Your Mental Power A Treasure: Protect It

Your mental power a treasure: protect it

Mental power resides in the brain and this, like any other organ in our body, requires care so that it does not deteriorate. With the aggravating factor that it is the true “operations center” of thought and that, in turn, thought has an influence on the whole body. So taking care of the brain is also preserving physical and mental health.

Although the brain is the fundamental organ, science actually knows very little about it. However, enough information has already been gathered to pin down some of those actions that help preserve this organ and, with it, your mental power. Next we will talk about 6 activities to take care of the greatest treasure of your body.

To conserve your mental power, take care of your ears

Hearing has been shown to be closely related to mental abilities. An investigation carried out in the United Kingdom was able to establish that hearing loss triggers a process of reduction of gray matter in the brain. This results in a reduction in cognitive abilities.


So taking care of your ears is also protecting your mental capacity. Know that just 15 seconds of loud music at full volume can cause hearing damage. Also the use of a hair dryer for 15 minutes a day affects small cells that contribute to the capture of sounds.

Trust your own abilities

It has happened to all of us: we enter a room and we are left blank: the reason why we got there disappears from our consciousness; Or, suddenly, we forget an important task, or the right word does not fall from the tip of the tongue. This can happen at any age and for a variety of reasons. The downside is that many begin to see these symptoms as a warning that their mental power is deteriorating.

This is how several people begin to adopt “crutches” or “aids” for this supposed deficiency. They carry a notebook where they write down everything so as not to forget it or avoid exposing themselves to situations that put their cognitive abilities to the test. All this, instead of helping, can harm you. The best thing to do is always push yourself, trust what you have and, if applicable, do memory exercises to improve this function.

Take care of your diet and your weight

Fats and sugars are enemies of your mental capacity. The former because they increase the level of cholesterol and, with it, the blood flow to the brain. The latter because they can alter insulin production and contribute to the formation of dangerous plaques in the brain. Additionally, obesity itself slows down all body functions.

Feet walking on sand and feathers

It is not that you become obsessed with so-called “healthy eating”. It is good that you treat yourself from time to time, but the idea is that in general you maintain a diet low in sugar and fat. In a study carried out in the United States, it was established that a person with a Mediterranean diet has a mental power equivalent to that of someone 7 years younger.

Socializing: a key to preserving mental power

People who are socially active are 70% less likely to suffer cognitive decline. This is because human beings are sociable by nature and we need others all the time to stimulate us, challenge us, force us to see other points of view or to overcome the vicissitudes of human relationships.

So, if you want to protect and conserve your mental power, nothing better than opening spaces for conversation with others, going to a party whenever possible and not isolating yourself. This, in addition to being a way to take care of your brain, is also a source of satisfaction.

Make daily exercise a habit

We could fill an entire book with just a list of the health benefits of exercise. In truth, they are innumerable. It is not about you becoming a high performance athlete, much less overnight. The important thing is that you adopt a routine of physical exercise and maintain it day after day.

mind power

Physical exercise improves your mood, allows you to oxygenate your entire body and is one of the great foods for your brain. It is a fact that physical activity increases cognitive abilities: children who walk to school get better grades. Older adults who take a daily walk suffer more slowly as the years go by. You can start with a gentle routine and then push yourself a little harder.

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