What Causes Loss Of Interest

We often lose interest in jobs, people, relationships … This is not always a normal and irreversible process. We can act.
What causes loss of interest

We have all been victims of loss of interest in some area of ​​our life. That job, that friendship, that romantic partner that used to generate euphoria and great satisfaction seems to have lost color. What has happened? Maybe we were wrong when making the choice? Maybe we overestimated the positive qualities of that person or situation?

Losing interest in something or someone can lead to guilt, frustration, and great indecision about how to act.  Therefore, it is recommended that we inquire about the origin of this disinterest in order to make appropriate decisions.

What causes loss of interest?


Habituation is one of the most primitive and common learning processes that exist. It consists of a decrease in the response to a stimulus that occurs repeatedly. In other words, it is the process by which we stop responding to what is no longer a novelty.

Throughout the day we can find numerous examples of this phenomenon. The noise of an electrical appliance ceases to startle us as we listen to it on a daily basis. Advertising located on the side of the road on your way to work ends up going completely unnoticed. The cries of parents who constantly address their child in this way will cease to have an effect on the child.

When we get used to a stimulus, it loses the power to evoke a response in us. In this way the illusion for a job fades with the day to day and we begin to find defects in that friendship that we considered perfect.

Similarly, if we refer to relationships with a partner, the levels of different neurotransmitters stabilize over time. In this way , falling in love gives way to a companion love in which the initial euphoria is replaced by higher levels of intimacy and commitment.

Man with loss of interest working


Other times it happens that we lose interest because we take what we have for granted. When something is challenging, we set out to work for it. Having a goal drives us to mobilize our resources and skills, and satisfaction in achieving it is high.

On the other hand, when it is already ours, it is common for us to relax and settle down. Happiness for what we have obtained is losing intensity. When we have a permanent job or when people show us excessive attention, we feel that there is no need to make an effort, the challenge element disappears.

The common denominator in both cases is that, in one way or another, we stop valuing the situations or the people around us. Whether out of habit or overconfidence, we don’t think that we can really lose what we have. The damage caused by this situation is evident: our work performance will be much lower, our social relationships will lose quality because we do not take care of them and our partner may leave because they do not feel valued.

Woman worried about her partner's loss of interest

Loss of interest also works

Many people think that loss of interest is inevitable, that it is part of the normal process of life. Thus they adopt a passive attitude and settle into situations that no longer make them truly happy. Or, on the contrary, they jump from one vital situation to another, hoping that in the next, disinterest will not make an appearance.

It is essential to know that the interest is worked through daily actions. If you feel apathy for everything around you, it is probably because you have stopped giving value to it, and this is something that is born only from your thoughts. We are in the habit of overlooking the good things that make up our lives and thus we are depriving ourselves of the ability to enjoy.

Get into the habit of being aware every day of everything you have, of fully feeling the happiness that this provides. Work on your gratitude and teach your mind not to take anything for granted. Remember how much you longed for what you now possess and actively dedicate yourself to enjoying its presence in your life.

A grateful and positive-focused mind experiences much higher levels of happiness and satisfaction. In addition, he naturally takes care of his relationships and their circumstances, giving the best of himself in each of them. The person who acts in this way can be sure that the loss of interest will no longer accompany him on his journey.

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