We Don’t Have Wi-Fi, Talk To Each Other

We don't have Wi-Fi, talk to each other

When we undress from the obligations of the year and finally, we take vacations, the simple fact of changing routines, scenarios and contexts, poses a small dilemma for more than one, such as not knowing if there will be Wi-Fi wherever you go.

If we make a reservation at a hotel, we will look for the one that offers us Wi-Fi. If we go out to eat at a restaurant, or go to have a drink on a terrace, we always appreciate that they offer us free connection for our electronic devices.

Internet, social networks, smartphones or tablets, integrate us into a world where immediacy prevails, where information is captured the second and shared, where we are all united without the need to “be physically”.

All this is undoubtedly a great advantage and a great value, but on the other hand, it is determining us in many other aspects. “We fear disconnection.”

Being without Wi-Fi, losing coverage on our mobiles or seeing how our data rate is reduced at any given moment, supposes being isolated, uninformed, that umbilical cord with ours is temporarily torn from us, and suddenly we become face to face with what surrounds us.

And it is possible that what you have before you at that very moment, is actually the most important thing in your life.

The subtle fear of disconnection

balloon people

What would a day in our life be like without an Internet connection? It would mean not being informed in the first place. We know that media such as television and radio are still present, but nothing is as immediate, for example , as the news that appears on our usual portals.

Does this perhaps mean that we should unplug our electronic devices and live without the Internet? Absolutely. As we have pointed out at the beginning, this medium is a great human value of communication, knowledge and work. It enriches our day to day and allows us to grow, learn, create …

Now, as in all things in life, the key is in balance:

  • In not obsessing about what to spend 20 minutes without looking at the mobile, for example, means “missing a lot of things.”
  • The Internet is a valuable tool, but we must see it as one more piece in our daily lives, it is a key that gives you access to many dimensions, but it is not a way of life.
  • In our day to day, many more things may be escaping us than what happens on social networks.

The value of enriching ourselves with everything, but with balance

couple in the field

We must not fall into extremes, nor close doors: the Internet is a positive thing. Society stands on a network of infinite connections where data and information flow, where knowledge and emotions are shared …

Don’t be afraid of reaching that place where your phone suddenly loses coverage. Do not fear that there is no space around you that offers Wi-Fi. There are those who do not conceive it, but it is possible to keep the mobile in the bag, or in the pocket of our pants for a long time.

They are those moments in which we not only disconnect from electronic devices, we also disconnect from world news, from that vibration that alerts you to a new message, a like to one of your photos on Instagram.

Never mind. Take a breath, and enjoy this momentary disconnection in an environment where perhaps, there are no electrical networks, and where the only valid communication channels, are words, smiles, caresses or silences where to decipher entire universes.

We all need those temporary moments where we can break ties with our obligations, with noise, with the rumor of the artificial. They are moments in which, to connect with ourselves without artifice, with honesty and delight. Enjoying what surrounds us, without needing anything else …

Images courtesy Mariana Kalacheva

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