There Is No Person From Whom We Cannot Learn Something

There is no person from whom we cannot learn something

I look wildly at people in the face, in case a face savagely changes my life; I continue, constellations of lost kisses, in case some kisses would like to stay for dinner, with me…  Okay, I admire Pedro Pastor, but the thing is that very valid lessons can be learned with his music. Or is it not true that, for better or for worse?

To give a positive answer, there have always been reflections that compare our passage through the world with a trip by train or bus. During the trip we take care of the relationships that make us smile and we have the opportunity to meet new people and experiences of all kinds.

Thus, the best thing about this trip is that what will bring us in future seasons is a mystery, but those that we have already passed or are going through are building us emotionally.

There are people … who leave their mark

The hearts that impact us in one way or another, that allow us to learn a little about ourselves, will stay in ours forever. There are hearts, faces and kisses that leave their mark, that wake us up and enrich us. There are others that simply decorate the landscape.

Some appear without warning and stay to teach us what feelings such as friendship, love, trust, etc. mean. Others are there for a short time, just the time necessary to save us from a labyrinth and, a few are there from the beginning, like the family: with them we especially learn the value of memories, the power of affection and human warmth.

One day we may even remember those people whom the memory of the heart has decided to erase at some point. Because yes, there are people whose heart decides to erase because they hurt, because they want to leave or because it is simply time to let them go.

People you can learn to be different from

I think I remember that, in addition, Forrest Gump commented that  life is like a box of chocolates  because you  never know what is going to touch you and it is true in every way. We have emphasized that this small circle that we are fond of makes us happy, however, in the same way,  there are those who have disappointed us at some time, have hurt us or ultimately have surprised us badly.

These people also come with a reason: that we can learn from their bad behavior so as not to allow us to make the same mistakes with others. So much so that from them we also learn to understand what we do not want to be, to preach with an example opposite to the one they give and to give them the place they deserve.

Therefore, like bad experiences that bring pain, people who act badly are also teachers to some extent. After they get off our train we will have understood that they are gone, that we cannot return and that their mission is over: they will stay in the past and

Our life: scraps of other lives

We meet a large crowd of people throughout the days: some faces we do not even perceive and others become magical and authentic remnants of our lives. They are tiny pieces of time and shared experiences that become enormous when you calculate their emotional value.

friends at night lying

Over the years we are adding greetings at bus stops, meetings at concerts, reflections of another soul in a tear, confidence gained in a coffee, lessons and decisions that make us grow … And learning is in our hands: in observing the reason why that a person suddenly appears and decides to make himself known, even if it is only for a minute.

More important than all that you can learn from others is a person you should always keep in mind: yourself. You have a lot to teach yourself and a lot to know yourself: you will discover that this is always a precious process. 

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