There Are A Thousand Ways To Say I Love You

There are a thousand ways to say I love you

Those two simple words, but which are so difficult for us to say, can be expressed in different ways: through a hug, caring for the other, cooking a favorite food, going to the cinema to see a movie that we do not like, etc. Thus, I love you is a hug, a time in silence, questions that show the other that we are listening or lending a hand when the person we love feels overwhelmed.

A feeling can be shown with both deeds and words. However, we tend to believe that only through language can we “speak” about a feeling. Something that is not true, because if we pay attention to the attitudes of the other we will be able to realize what they really feel. There are thousands of ways to say “I love you” without using those two words.

What a I love you implies

When we are in a relationship just started and we have already taken a few sticks in this love, it takes some time to reveal our true feelings. We start with a shy “I like you” and we only say I love you when we are very sure of our feelings.

escapes of couples in the sky

Being exposed gives the feeling that we are vulnerable, sensitive and even “corny”. Thus, in addition to protecting ourselves, it seems that by revealing our feelings we do not commit the other to saying that he or she shares them. This is how silence begins and is maintained and thus the days, weeks or months continue to pass.

Although each person has their times to say “I love you”, the truth is that those two words keep much more than affection inside them. They symbolize a commitment, a bet, a step that perhaps we are not yet willing to take, but that many times we would like.

How to say I love you without using those words?

We are not made of stone nor are we robots without feelings. So that we do not dare to express them in words is a completely different matter. You may think that the only way to tell your partner, your parents, your friends or your grandparents that you love them very much is with the “two magic words”.

However, there are thousands of different ways to show affection, affection and love. They are based on the attitudes we have towards others, on how we care about them and want them to be well. The actions of the day to day can express more what we feel than going to the other extreme and saying “I love you” continuously.

Breakfast in bed

“How was your day?” “I take care of the children”, “Stay in bed and I’ll bring you breakfast”, “That skirt looks good on you”, “I bought the cookies that the doctor prescribed for you”, “Do you want me to take you in the car? ”,“ You did an excellent job ”,“ How delicious is the dinner ” … and the list could go on.

Have you seen how easily we can show others that we love them? Actions are as valuable as an “I love you” repeated between fears and prejudices. Surely you know the popular saying that says “a picture is worth a thousand words.” In this case we would say “a good attitude is good and improves when we accompany it with two simple words and actions that reflect what they express”.

Say I love you or I love you?

Many say that “I love you” is the step before “I love you.” Others claim that the first sentence conveys a sense of possession and the second of delivery. The truth is that in one way or another we are expressing what is happening within us.


Don’t feel embarrassed or self-conscious about saying either one of those two wonderful, unique, and miraculous phrases. You will feel really happy and you will make the other happy. But also remember that “words are weak in the wind” and that to contribute to the foundation of a relationship they must be accompanied by deeds.

“I miss you”, “Take care”, “Have a good night”, “I was thinking of you”, “In the oven there is food ready”, “Let me know when you get home”, “Take an umbrella”, “Can I prepare a coffee?” … In what way will you say “I love you” today?

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