The Simon Syndrome: Single And Immature

The Simón Syndrome defines a type of behavior that characterizes those men who praise only their own person, who do not commit themselves emotionally and who only seek social success.
Simon's Syndrome: single and immature

We live in an age where it is common to put “labels” on almost any behavior or profile that is repeated with some frequency. Simon’s Syndrome is one such example. It is a nomenclature (that without having clinical evidence) conforms to a new masculine modality of this XXI century.

It could be said that it is a variable of the so-called “Peter Pan Syndrome”. It develops when a man between 28 and 38 only wants to have fun, does not commit emotionally, which changes interests almost every moment, occupations without “settling down”, as it is usually said.

The myth of the Narcissus is perfectly fulfilled with this character that we now call Simon. Each letter in his name is an acronym and personality trait: S for single, I for immature, M for materialistic, O for work-obsessed, and N for narcissistic.

Simon syndrome, what are the people who suffer from it like?

Furthermore, there are those who point out that this profile could be the result of the “emperor syndrome”. That is to say, people who in their childhood were educated without having limits, were capricious children and clearly authoritarian with their parents.

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1. The excitement and consumption of the new over stability

Those who are included in the “Simon Syndrome” in turn are not looking for a woman to form a partner, but are obsessed with succeeding at work and professionally, traveling the world, taking care of their body and having a good time. They prefer the emotion of the moment, to the security of the stable.

They do not mind completely sacrificing themselves to climb positions in their work and often have an almost infinite ego. They may live alone or with their parents, but never as a couple. They spend their wages solely on satisfying their wishes and they spend everything they have. In addition, they do not save or worry about their future financial security beyond keeping their job.

2. Singleness

We can define singleness as the absence of a stable partner or serious commitment. For many, being alone is something that is revalued over time, something positive where it is not necessary to need someone with us to be happy, feel complete or fulfilled.

This is one aspect, but on the other side, there is the Simon syndrome.

single man

In this case, these young people have a somewhat erroneous idea of ​​what freedom is, since they think that being in a couple is the same as living locked in a cage. Losing their “single” status for a love is not something that interests them too much.

2. Immaturity

Immaturity in the person with Simón syndrome is directly related to the sentimental aspect. That is, they not only avoid establishing a mature and stable relationship. But also, they are incapable of loving authentically, safely, with commitment, courage and respect.

They do not even give themselves the possibility of discovering what it is to be in love, to give themselves completely and to have a project in common with someone (that is not related to work).

They can only love themselves, though and idolize themselves thinking that they are the most beautiful in the world. This may be a person with many professional skills, but very few emotional skills.

Under all this we could say that they feel a great fear to commit to someone (in the sense of starting a formal relationship). Today’s society is creating many of these “Simones”, men who focus only on their work, their friends, their studies and their fun.

3. The obsession with success

The number one priority for someone with Simon Syndrome is having the right financial position. So that? Well, to spend that money on what pleases you and allows you to live day to day to the fullest, as if there were no tomorrow.

man reaching success

The fact of having a certain “economic power” makes them think that they have something invulnerable, that nothing bad can happen to them. That life is to be enjoyed 100% and that there is no pleasure that cannot be given, from buying a thousand-euro suit to going on vacation with friends for a month to the Caribbean.

4. Narcissism

On the other hand, there are those who only present some characteristics, thus forming a personality style (but not a disorder). Simon’s syndrome defines the latter style.

  • They can spend hours doing weights in the gym,  go under the knife and get the odd “fix”, orchestrate a type of life that essentially seeks only to enhance their image.

To conclude, the following question will now come to all of us: what about women? Can they also be a “Simon”? Of course they do, but in that case, they would be called “Laura”, that is, L for liberated, A for autonomous, U for university, R and A for rationalizing love. Do you know someone with these characteristics?

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