The Psychology Of Steve Jobs: Why He Raised His Children Without An IPad

Through a curious story about the children of Steve Jobs, we will reflect a little on the addiction to technology and its possible effects on health. Keep reading.
The psychology of Steve Jobs: why he raised his children without an iPad

A few days ago the news appeared in the media that Steve Jobs  prohibited his children from enjoying the use of some of his great creations, such as the iPad and iPhone .

The question that many people -especially those loyal to the brand- asked themselves at the time of echoing the news was: “  Why?  . Or rather  “what reason did Steve Jobs have to remove his children from these technological tools?”

Thanks to the interview that Nick Bilton, journalist and contributor to The New York Times newspaper, had the opportunity to carry out in 2010 with the brain of the powerful company, we can know the answer. Your kids must love the iPad, right? ” Bilton noted . Steve  Jobs’ response was ” They haven’t used it, we limit the amount of technology children can use at home.”

Steve Jobs face

The reason why Steve Jobs’ children did not use the iPad

One piece of information that we can make clear from such an answer is that the creator of a good part of the most demanded technology is one of the few that can glimpse dangers in its constant use . A fact that gives us food for thought and that deserves our time for reflection.

Many of us imagined that Jobs’s home would be a technology paradise, full of touch screens and sensors, in which each member of the family would enjoy their particular iPhone and iPad.

Another curious and shocking fact for those mortals who abuse technology is that a large number of leaders of the most renowned companies in  Silicon Valley limit the time their children spend in front of the screens of a computer, a phone or a tablet. Then Jobs, at least in his environment, was not unusual in this regard.

Technology abuse can lead to addiction

An example is the one that we can recognize in the case of  Chris Anderson, director of the company 3D Robotics , creator of “drones” and who confessed to having experienced and lived “first-hand the dangers of technology.” Because of this, it restricts the access that your children can have to it. ” I’ve lived it and I don’t want my children to go through the same thing,” Anderson also shared in the interview.

Twitter co-creator  Ewan Williams confesses that he prefers that his children develop alongside books, rather than iPads. Given Williams’ belief , he and his wife Sara buy hundreds of printed books that may interest their children, placing them throughout the house.

It is already a proven and empirical fact that the abuse of technology can lead some people to become addicted to electronic devices or to come across negative and violent content. It is curious, within this topic, how we have evolved socially ourselves: now instead of TV, parents turn to gadgets to distract children and iPads are in charge of educating.

Group of friends drinking coffee with mobiles on the table

The positive side of using technological tools

Nor can we avoid and deny that today there are countless applications and tools that can allow us to stimulate and develop intelligence. its

Probably, if I asked your opinion about this information, you would answer me that eliminating contact with technology may seem like a strict and radical measure. Even nonsense, since this is an important part of the world in which we live. A possible withdrawal of this aspect could generate social isolation in children.

Even with all this, it is true that this trend among parents who have questioned the real benefit of technology makes us reflect. Especially with respect to the ease of access to it that our users can have.

It occurs to me that perhaps the most beneficial and intelligent thing could be to limit the use of  gadgets . Try to provide exercises that allow our children and partners to disconnect from cold technology. Be one with the world and make contact more often with our mother earth, nature. Something that many of us still consider just a utopia. What do you think?

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