The Legend Of The Blue Butterfly

The legend of the blue butterfly reminds us that the present and the future are in our hands.
The legend of the blue butterfly

This oriental legend of the blue butterfly tells that, many years ago, a man became a widower and was left in charge of his two daughters. The girls were very curious, intelligent and always eager to learn. They constantly harassed their father with questions. Often times the man could answer wisely, yet at times he was not sure if he could offer his daughters a correct answer.

Seeing the concern of the two girls, he decided to send them for a while to live with a wise man who lived at the top of a hill. The sage was able to answer all the questions that the little ones asked him, without even hesitating. But, one day, the sisters devised a rogue trap to measure the sage’s wisdom. They decided to ask him a question that he was unable to answer.

The impossible question

Woman with question

The girls went to work to carry out their plan. The oldest went out to the field and caught a blue butterfly, wrapping it in her apron so that it would not escape. Next, he began to explain to his sister what the procedure would be.

Tomorrow, while I hold the blue butterfly in my hands, we will ask the sage if it is alive or dead. If she says she’s alive, I’ll squeeze my hands and kill her. Instead, if she claims she’s dead, I’ll set her free and she’ll fly free. In this way, whatever your answer is, it will always be wrong. “

The next morning the girls came to the sage, eager to make him fall into their trap, and asked the question. But the man smiled calmly and calmly and proceeded to reply: “It depends on you, she is in your hands.”


Life is a blue butterfly

The legend of the blue butterfly teaches us that we are the owners of our life and the only ones responsible for deciding what will happen to it. The present and the future are in our hands, we have the responsibility to take care of them. But also the power to create something wonderful for ourselves.

It is necessary that we get out of the role of victim, that we stop blaming others, circumstances or fate for what happens to us. Take the reins and direct your way without fear. Many of the decisions you will make will be correct, and many others will be incorrect. So, be grateful for the former and learn from the latter.

Life is a constant change, an infinite learning. So , try to see the lesson instead of the problem, focus on appreciating how each event in your life makes you who you are. Be proud of your decisions because they have all brought you here. Do not be afraid to be wrong again, each stumble brings you closer to your best version.

Stop shielding yourself behind destiny and recognize who you are: the painter of the canvas that is your life. You have the right to fail, to make mistakes, to change your mind. However, you will never see your chances if you keep a passive background. Dare to lead your destiny, stop feeling imprisoned by circumstances and, like a magician, transform your reality.


Sad woman

All is in your hands

Remember not to delegate the delicate task of making you happy to anyone. Many times we pin our hopes and wishes on someone else and invariably leave disappointed. We look to others for love, support, and respect that we don’t give ourselves.

No matter how much the other person gives you, you will always feel the emptiness, because what you really long for is the love that comes from you. Begin to take care of yourself, to listen to you and to please yourself. Treat yourself gently, with compassion, and with unconditional love.

You are the most important person in your life. You are the one who needs you the most, do not abandon yourself, do not leave yourself for later. Don’t make the mistake of cheating on yourself to please someone else. Don’t prioritize the other over yourself. If you do, you will be giving up the beautiful gift of enjoying your existence to serve someone else.

It all starts with you. Your emotional state cannot depend on the actions of another person, because then it ceases to be yours. Do not put your butterfly in the hands of anyone, do not give them the power to decide to crush you or let you fly. Only you deserve the privilege of deciding.


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