The Kitchen As A Therapeutic Tool

The kitchen as a therapeutic tool

Cooking is one of those activities in which art , technique and knowledge are combined. It is an area in which culture and affections are put into play in a single task. We basically eat the landscape around us. We prepare it based on traditions and acquired knowledge. And we do it based on the relationship with others.

There are several ways to see the kitchen. One of them is the most practical, that of the daily day. What is available is cooked, as possible, to meet nutritional needs. Another way of looking at it is the one that comes from its commercial use. Food preparation is also a business.

However, the most affective, creative and social way of looking at cooking is the one that is oriented towards enjoying it and getting others to enjoy its results. When food is prepared without haste and with the aim of communicating affection and making a moment special for those we love. In that case, it is no longer a professional task to become a personal expression. It also becomes a therapeutic tool.

Sensory awareness, the first contribution of the kitchen

Cooking is one of those activities that involves all the senses. These are activated throughout the process, until the end. The sight, the hearing, the touch and, of course, the smell and the taste must be activated during this work. When eating, the same thing happens too.

In this way, the kitchen becomes a true rainbow of sensations. Therefore, it implies a comprehensive experience. It is one of the few activities today that allows that parade of sensory impressions, which is always very rewarding.

spices in the kitchen

Cooking is a creative experience

One of the most interesting aspects of cooking is that it is an activity in which the result is never the same. The same person can cook a dish twice and it will not be the same. Two people can replicate the same recipe and the taste will be different. To that extent, it is a very personal and therefore creative activity.

Likewise, it is one of those tasks that admits infinite variations. In all the steps of the process it admits changes. Sometimes in the way of preparing food, sometimes in the way of presenting it. Also in the ingredients that are put, in the cooking or in the accompaniments that are added. The kitchen is pure creativity.

Patience and concentration

Cooking is one of those activities in which a process that includes successive steps is carried out. More than in other activities, it is clearly experienced that it is necessary to complete one stage before moving on to the next. It requires patience. Meal times do not depend on our will.

eggs on table in the kitchen

In the same way, when cooking many tasks are performed, sometimes simultaneously. While the dough is set to rest, for example, its filling is brought forward. Or while something is cooking, everything is ready for the next step. This requires that we focus our attention on what we are doing, and only on that. This stimulates the ability to concentrate.

Problem solving and decision making

The kitchen is hit or miss. You are preparing something and a little distraction makes it overdone. Or you realize that once a process is finished, the food does not have the texture or consistency you wanted. All those little problems demand a solution. And this exercise of solving difficulties implies a stimulus for your intelligence.

Implicit in the above is the fact that you have to make many decisions during the preparation of a dish. The recipe may say that the bake lasts 10 minutes, but you see that it is not enough. That requires you to analyze the situation and figure out what you are going to do. The kitchen increases your ability to make decisions.

Relax and have fun

When you have a positive attitude, cooking becomes a relaxing activity. The important thing is not to cook with nerves, nor expecting to obtain perfect results. Ideally, you can do everything calmly and have an open mind to the experience.

woman in the kitchen

Cooking as a couple, or with friends, can be a very fun and friendly experience. Likewise, serving a dish prepared with our own hands can be very loving. If you want it, the situation can be the most fun and rewarding.

We don’t have to be experts to get into the kitchen. It is enough to have good will and a basic plan in advance. It is an activity that takes place at home and is available to anyone. Furthermore, its psychological and social benefits are undeniable. It’s worth a try sometime.

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