I Am An Authentic Person, I Don’t Like False Appearances

I am an authentic person, I do not like false appearances

I am an authentic person, upstanding with my principles and who does not seek to appear more than anyone else or show something that does not define me solely to please others. I am everything you see, and I only understand one language: that of sincerity.

Authenticity of mind, spirit, and will is something that is not practiced very often. And the reason is simple: people sometimes need to pretend certain things in order to find approval or integration between our daily social relationships.

Life, in reality, is a long way in which to leave tricks to stay with what really matters, with what is “authentic”. And pillars as basic as self-love, integrity and respect for oneself and for others are those qualities that should define us all.

However, it is clear that it is not always easy to maintain that sincere attitude that we are talking about here. Sometimes, walking along our life path showing ourselves as we are, can bring us more than one conflict with others, small or big frictions with which, collide with some other disappointed feeling.

It would be more about maintaining a balance. Because authenticity, above all, knows how to respect, and it would be more like “I am me but I respect the way you are”. We are in a world where we all have a place, and where one of the things that can hurt us the most are false appearances.

The authentic person seeks the essence of things

Female profile with bird in the center

Seeking the essence of things means valuing the authenticity of life above all else. And we find something like this by leading an existence from the heart, and knowing how to observe the things that are really important: valuable.

We also know that the term “authentic people” has become very popular in recent years. So much so, that more than one will see these words with some skepticism, as if all of us weren’t “real and authentic” by themselves.

For this reason, and to help a little more in its definition, it is worth taking into account these small brushstrokes.

  • In an article from the beginning of 2015 in the magazine “Psichology Today”, it was explained to us that authentic or genuine people are, above all, personalities who do not make use of falsehood and that in turn, makes them uncomfortable.
  • In addition, it is interesting to bear in mind that they are people who live day to day from the inside : they attend, analyze, reflect, value their thoughts, their attitudes and do the same with everything they receive from their environment.
  • They are independent people who respond only to internal expectations. They will never seek the approval of others to do something, and they will never let their happiness be “guarded in other people’s pockets.”
  • The authentic or genuine personality learns from their failures or mistakes, assumes them and accepts them to guide their way again. They understand the value of effort and self-improvement.
  • His self-esteem is strong and confident. However, getting to where they are has not been easy, often, it involves a long way of misunderstandings and learning where finally, we discover the value of the essences: of truth, freedom, humility, self-love and self-love. happiness.

False appearances: a personality behind a mask

As we pointed out at the beginning, all of us, on occasion, have had to pretend something that we were not. Adolescents do it to feel integrated into their social group, and adults sometimes feel obliged to do so in order not to contradict, to maintain a feigned harmony at a specific moment. If there is one thing that authentic people cannot bear, it is undoubtedly false people complaining about their own falsehood.

It is undoubtedly very remarkable how complex the human being is: some mold their personality to be what others expect, others despise friends or family but pretend sincere affection … Why do we do it?

  • Sometimes, false appearances and those masks that we are forced to wear from time to time, are part of what we consider “socializing.” However, by maintaining these practices for a long period of time we run the risk of ceasing to recognize ourselves.
  • The authentic person may have gone through this phase, but in the end, he assumes that he is not going to do it anymore, that it does not go with his essence, with his principles.

We have to remember that  part of the learning of our life is to shape our image with integrity and consolidate it towards ourselves and towards the outside: this is me.

Bearded man and bird on head

Images courtesy of Tuğba Sayın and Pascal Campion

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