How Is The Evolution Of The 9-month-old Baby?

How is the evolution of the 9-month-old baby?

The evolution of the baby does not stop. The 9-month-old baby is facing a stage of adventure and discovery. Each day is one more step, an accumulated progress to reach the summit. A peak that supposes that our creature can walk, talk, play with others, interact, learn … In short, all that infinity of achievements that human beings acquire, especially when we have an environment that facilitates this progress.

As we have already commented in previous articles, these milestones in the baby’s evolution are approximate in their location in time. It is important to emphasize that each baby has its own rhythm. Some may take longer to do something than others have already begun to do prematurely.

But this should not alarm us or lead us to force them to achieve these achievements. The pediatrician will be the professional who accompanies us on this path and will be the one to help us resolve all the doubts we may have regarding the growth of our baby.

The 9-month-old baby and his inner explorer

When babies have reached the ninth month of life we ​​can find in them a true explorer. Explorer of the world, of the house, of the people around him. We are faced with a creature that wants to see, touch everything and not leave a corner untouched.

Carrying them is no longer their business. Now the 9-month-old baby wants to explore the world from the ground, feeling it with his bare hands. Crawling becomes his way of moving. Sometimes even with surprising speed. But being a “free”, explorer and crawling creature can make them, at times, a bit reckless.

For this reason, special care must be taken in this phase of our baby’s growth. You have to be attentive and vigilant about their wanderings. It is also important to prepare the house so that it is a safer place, and that  our baby will want to go all over it.

9 month old baby crawling

Being an explorer carries risks that we must minimize

Since they can get up looking for support, or sometimes even without support, we must exercise extreme caution. Of course, we will have to cover the plugs. We can put valuables, or those that can break if he reaches them, on top of our furniture.

If we have stairs it will be necessary to put doors. We have to be careful with the drawers that are at their height, since they will open them and they will be able to remove what is in them without major problem.

We will also meet a great charlatan and impersonator of sounds. It’s fun to see how they mimic our tones of voice. How they modulate every sound they make to the point where it really seems like they’re having a pretty interesting conversation.

They imitate our tones of voice and have fun playing with sounds

Our little one will be able to utter his first word at this point in his evolution … if he hasn’t already done so. Sometimes that word is neither mom nor dad and it is any other. But it is a word that makes sense and that he has managed to learn and emit.

Their “conversations” are filled with sounds that imitate their parents or animals, screams, farts … They like to play with their voice and with the possibilities that it allows. They appreciate sound and visual stimuli even more.

The baby is like a sponge. And we are its greatest reference, its model. (What an honor and what a great responsibility!). For this reason, in turn we can help them in their growth, stimulating all this explosion of skills and capacities that they show us every day.

Baby smiling

How to stimulate your 9 month old baby

With regard to speech, we can point to objects or animals and say their name out loud while baby looks at us. In this way it can imitate the movements we make with our mouth and associate them more easily with the object we are pointing to.

They love all the games that have to do with taking out and putting objects into containers. This helps them with regard to their spatial notions. We will also be promoting cause-effect relationships that will help them to predict what happens in their environment.

As we can see, we are facing a very rich month in terms of their evolution and a month full of immense potential to help them in their growth. This 9-month-old baby does nothing but surprise us! And this is just the beginning…

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