How Do They See Us, How Do I See Myself

Although it may not seem like it, there is an important difference between how others see us and how we see ourselves. Learn the importance of knowing both perspectives.
How do they see us, how do I see myself

Do you see yourself as you really are or how others want you to be? This may seem like an unimportant question, but the reality is that it is very suitable for reflecting on this topic.

Once we think about this, we realize that other people may not see us in the same way that we see ourselves. For example, how you behave or what you show with them will form an image of you that you may not share.

All of this can have a positive or negative influence. Imagine, for example, when you see yourself with a few extra kilos and others tell you that you are fine. It is a simple example that your perspective is not the same as the rest and this influences many things.

Self portrait

illustration of a woman representing how they see us

Many of us are full of complexes that prevent us from enjoying ourselves. All this comes from the fact of giving an image that we like for the rest of the people.

We are constantly thinking about what image to give to others, how they will see us… What we don’t know is that many times people don’t see us as we think or want them to see us.

Do you know what would be very positive? Begin to interact with the people around us and ask them directly how they see ourselves. This can help us to understand how our point of view is not unique, not even trying to see ourselves from the outside we can achieve it.

If you have, you will discover things that you surely did not think about yourself. Everything they tell you will help you form a real image, which is what you project to other people. What will you discover about yourself?

Sometimes we get too swayed by what we think is expected of us. How do others want us to be? This can form an external image of us with which we do not feel identified.

Sometimes if we are with manipulative or aggressive people who submit us, we can end up giving an image that does not correspond to how we really are. Why is our pride relegated? You are being how others want you to be. Do not let that happen.

How do you see yourself

How you see yourself will influence how others see you. If you have complexes they will manifest themselves and people will notice and know them.

Anything, wanting to be who you are not, trying to please everyone, being yourself and not letting anything influence you, having a personality, it all shows! What should you keep in mind when reflecting on how you see yourself? Two very important factors:

  • What you think about yourself becomes reality, whether you like it or not, everything that goes through your mind will manifest itself in some way, so think positively and leave the negative in a secluded place. Thinking positive about yourself will be very beneficial to you.
  • Beauty is created within you, everything good, everything positive, has to come from you, not from anyone else. Why hide how we are? It manifests your true self, because sometimes we want to be who we are not. Accept yourself, accept that beauty and manifest it.

Also, one of the important things to keep in mind is how you treat others. Everything, absolutely everything is going to talk about you, it is going to give information about you.

woman profile representing how they see us

Treating others well, being respectful, will make others see you with positive eyes. It is normal that one day we have a bad day, we are human! But as we treat others, that is how they will see us.

Your perspective is not the only one, and the things we see we do not see as they are, but as we are. If we are negative we will see everything negative, and that is how others will see us, as negative people.

Take the quiz to ask how others see you! You can share with us what you have discovered. This little exercise that costs nothing will help you open your eyes and see yourself from different perspectives other than your own. What have you learned about yourself now? Realize that your point of view is not the only one real and true.

illustration woman in pink representing how they see us

Images courtesy of Lady Simphonia

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