How Can We Improve The Time We Spend At Work?

How can we improve the time we spend at work?

Have you ever wondered if you are happy with your job? The famous oriental philosopher Confucius once said “choose a job that you like and you will not have to work a day of your life.” Perhaps in his day, 2,500 years ago, this was a relatively doable job. However, in our day, it can become an almost impossible mission.

However, almost impossible does not mean unattainable. Although we live in a world in which everything seems to go too fast and with an excess of preconceptions with which we all have to commune, the fact of being happy with a job depends solely on each one.

It is normal that a person’s own personal circumstances condition their chances of achieving the dream job. However, since we are human beings with conscience, free will and great capacity to dream, believe and achieve great goals, it is in our hands to achieve the proposed objectives if the attitude is firm.

Are you happy with your job?

Now, if you really want to achieve great goals and be able to dedicate yourself to what you have always dreamed of, there are a series of questions that you will have to answer with total sincerity. Only then will you know if you are really happy with your professional task.

Illusion to go to work

Every morning when you wake up, ask yourself this question, am I excited to go to work today? It is important to face the day with good humor, motivation, desire to undertake and with an open mind to new learnings and experiences.

Folio with the phrase I like my job

I feel comfortable and everything flows freely

When you work, you move through a more or less complex business organization chart depending on the size of the company. The fact of feeling inspiration, good harmony with colleagues, bosses or subordinates, the ability to solve problems without altering the mood and even create close ties are synonymous with a good person-work relationship.

Labor justice

Do you think that the salary you receive for your work is fair? Do you feel that your company values ​​the effort you make? Is your level of commitment optimal? Do you notice that your motivation is high and you have the necessary disposition to carry out the tasks? Answering these questions is necessary to know if you are happy in your work environment.

Work and personal life

In today’s societies, a good part of each person’s life is spent in the workplace. Given that we dedicate many hours to our professional work, it is clear that you have to feel committed and developed with the role you perform. Whether or not you believe that your functions complement your vital purposes is a key aspect to know if you are happy.

Woman smiling for her work

How to act if you are not happy at work

Now, maybe you have answered these questions and the conclusion is inevitable, you are not happy with your work. However, your circumstances are likely to prevent you from changing jobs. What can you do?

  • First and foremost, identify if your job is really the source of your dissatisfaction. Maybe something inside you is missing. Carefully review all the aspects of your stable, personal and professional life.
  • Perhaps your unhappiness comes from problems with working conditions (hours, salary, unattractive projects, etc.) Just as a good conversation with your boss allows you to improve your job expectations or at least find a way to do it. I may say no, but that’s something you already have. Many times it is not about working more, but about showing the work that we already do and that is not valued.
Tired woman sitting in front of her computer at work
  • Study the job market you are targeting. The grass on the other side of the field is not always greener. Before leaving your company, try to calculate the risks of an immediate change.
  • A job doesn’t have to be negative in and of itself. Sometimes it is your own personal attitude that prevents happiness with the work done. Try to stay positive and focus on those aspects of your job that you like the most.
  • Find your most intimate goals. You need to set yourself viable professional goals. If you can’t in your company, maybe your adventure in it has come to an end. If the economic determining factor is not very great, spending some time to recycle yourself professionally or to look for new scraps can be a great idea.
  • Of course, if after putting all these keys into practice you continue to notice that you are not happy with your job and dissatisfaction overwhelms you, you can change jobs. Nowadays it is possible to train in other subjects thanks to online courses, so you can combine your personal and professional activity until you can make the leap to other work horizons.

Remember that being happy with your work is a vital mission, as it will be a very important part of your world for a good number of years. Your job dissatisfaction can cause serious physical and mental health problems. It is your life that is at stake.

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