Harmony In A Relationship, How To Achieve It?

Harmony is being able to respect the other. It is not necessary that we always agree with what our partner says, does or thinks, because the essential thing is to understand them. 
Harmony in a relationship, how to achieve it?

Harmony in a relationship is like a dance in which no one loses a beat. There is balance, harmony and the music of satisfaction is heard in the background in this shared journey between two. This affective competence is achieved after a lot of work, some disagreement and, above all, with the clear will to invest efforts and changes in that affective bond.

Whoever thinks that in a happy relationship it is enough to love each other a lot is wrong. Hopefully the coexistence was based only on remembering that we love each other and thus turn off the occasional disagreement and the discussion that arises out of nowhere. It would be wonderful if passion and affection were the balm in the face of this discomfort when, suddenly, we perceive that sometimes individualism and own needs weigh more in joint investment.

It is not easy to find the right partner, but it is more difficult to find one and make that connection flourish, mature and shape something lasting and satisfying. However, such inspiring purpose is not impossible. The key is to find harmony.

boy and girl wearing denim jackets to symbolize harmony in a couple relationship

Keys to achieve harmony in a relationship

Relational harmony implies achieving balance when two people who love each other maintain different narratives. It is to cut corners so that the contours of our character fit and thus be able to face the small and big problems. Somehow, and if we think about it, the need to work on this dimension comes from a very concrete fact.

There are many who continue to think that love is synonymous with agreeing on everything. Some take it for granted that happy couples tune into ideals, goals, tastes, perceptions, and opinions. However, falling in love means giving way into our life to someone who arrives with their own existential, personal and also ideological baggage. This is where the real everyday challenge begins.

Achieving harmony in a relationship requires investing wills, times and intentions in a very specific psychological craft. We analyze it.

Understanding the other is better than agreeing on everything

How many times have we said or have they told us that “you don’t understand me”? Without a doubt, many. We fall into heated arguments, stormy anger and bitter disappointment when, far from reaching agreement, we distance ourselves. We castled each in one position.

Harmony in a relationship is based on a cornerstone: understanding. This starts from something as simple as understanding that, sometimes, we will not agree on something and that is not the end of the world. It is enough to understand the reality of others and respect it.

Surely we will agree on many more things, but it is essential to know how to listen to the truth of our partner, connect with their narrative and respect it. Because whoever positions himself in his own vision of things, underestimating the perspectives of others, the only thing that achieves is to tear down bridges and raise walls.

Empathy, to be able to see what the other person is like and respect their genuine being

One of the purposes in couples therapy is to increase empathy between the members to bring about change. Thus, studies, such as those carried out at Villanova University, highlight something important in this regard. Empathy favors satisfaction in an affective relationship and, therefore, is one of the most decisive pillars.

Thus, to achieve harmony in the relationship we need to develop adequate emotional and cognitive empathy. The one with which not only to connect with the emotions and needs of the other, but also to understand them. This psychological muscle is what allows us to discover the truth of our partner to respect it and allow it to maintain its authenticity.

scene symbolizing harmony in a couple relationship

Appreciate the presence of the other on a daily basis

Appreciating is not just wanting. Appreciating means emotionally validating the other, giving them presence and importance, thanking each day that they share their life with us. It also implies admiration, because without this nutrient few relationships are satisfactory or stable.

In this way, works, such as the one carried out at the University of North Carolina, highlight how gratitude and the ability to make the couple feel appreciated for how they are act as a daily reinforcement in the bond. Therefore, let us not hesitate to work on these aspects.

Magic and the will to know how to promote the positive

Harmony in a relationship requires efforts, such as focusing on the virtues of the loved one and not only on their defects. For example, it implies knowing how to use good humor and not constant reproach when something goes wrong.

Promoting the positive is also being able to create moments of magic and intimacy with which to break the routine and encourage passion whenever possible.

To conclude, t ener an optimistic outlook enables us to offer a promising relationship, positive and resilient vitality. The one with which there is no room for surrenders, only the clear will to continue moving forward together in the same project.

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