From Needs To Dreams

It is legitimate for everyone to want to satisfy their needs and desires; want to set your own goals and maintain a unique course in your life
From needs to dreams

Since we were little, our teachers, parents and relatives have caught our attention by telling us things like “you are in babia” “you are thinking about shrews” “stop daydreaming”…. All these accusations had an intrinsic meaning. For us, they called the attention or n to be fantasizing, for letting imagination run shows it or n to our needs and desires deeper.

Little by little, we grow and mature, and all these desires, which as children we kept firmly and securely, are hidden behind the veil of smoke of the present reality. Now, more than ever, we can affirm that it is the social situation that in many occasions buries our desires, causing us to take safe roads and main roads, leaving secondary roads for suicidal drivers .

But … should we stop daydreaming? The answer is No! Not for a moment. Are our dreams that shape our aspirations, is the goal we want to achieve and only if we strive and fight for them, they turn to n real thing.

From needs to dreams

What do I want vs. what I don’t want?

Any human being who you ask, be able to expose many opinions on what é not want to be part of his life . According to Darwin , living beings are subject to the law of survival. According to theory, we will avoid any situation or event that endangers our integrity and security.

Based on this point, we will be able to expose qu é or qui é n do not want to be part of our lives , but it is not so easy to decide what é is what we really want. However, only when we state the statements in a positive way will we have a greater chance of success.

A premise of NLP is based on is more to s f to easy go closer to what you want, to get away from what you do not want. S brain or can understand the negative convirti é Ndolo positive.

Maslow’s Theory of Needs

According Teori to Needs Maslow , the top of the pyramid corresponds to the need for autorrealizaci or n, defined as the highest of the human psychological need.

From the point of view of dynamic psychology, it is a question of a changing need, which understands that man reaches his fullness when he creatively realizes himself . This creative expressiveness makes sense in times when human beings are born m to s all to the s í same . It is, then, the desire to become what one is capable of being.

How to reach our goals

1. Definition and conceptualization of objectives

We can classify the objectives based on time: short, medium and long term. Our targets represent the stopping stations towards the end of the journey, so they largely depend on where you arrive. What do I want to achieve in my future? What tasks allow me to develop my abilities?

2. Once the objectives have been defined, we must redefine them

The objectives must meet the following requirements:

  • Precision or n : the more precise the objectives have greater awareness of their consecució n. ¿ Qu é is what I really want?
  • Suitability : adapted to the needs of each individual. ¿ Qu é I am going to do to achieve my goal?
  • Evidence : we must have evidence on a sensory basis that allows us to know that it has reached its objective. ¿ C or mo sabr é I’ve got?
  • Effectiveness : that they produce the results that the individual chooses
  • Resources : refer to the appropriate options to achieve the objectives. ¿ Qu é need resources to achieve my goals?
  • Control : the subject must actively participate in the elaboration of the objectives and become aware of the control over their achievement
  • Secuenciaci or n : objective are sequenced temporarily, so that achieve one approach involves a step to the next
  • Realism and Tangentiality : we must be aware of when we reach our goal, be it final or medium. Thus, we will receive internal feedback that acts as a motivating resource.

3. Put an expiration date on our goals

This will make us operate more efficiently in order to achieve them.

4. Open our mind to learning, new cultures and new experiences

You can always pick up new ideas and ways of doing things that enrich your goals along the way.

5. Don’t be afraid of failure

House failure teaches something that we must learn or improve. We must understand failure as something positive.

6. Be persistent and constant

If you have decided to set yourself a goal, you must persevere in it and not give up on achieving it, no matter how many difficulties you may face.

7. Believe in yourself

We direct our life and each act or decision must depend on oneself.

Ultimately, our objectives, goals and values ​​are valuable to the extent that they enrich us. Therefore, it is totally legitimate to try to achieve them, to be like beacons that illuminate us and indicate the path of our life.

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