Fear Of Living

Fear to live

Fear of life is something frequent and at the same time, hidden. Those who suffer from it experience very deep feelings that are difficult to eradicate where fear plays a leading role.

Many stop having illusions or dreams in life, which translates into “stop living in life.” In this way, we do not try to achieve more goals, we do not pursue our ideals, we do practically nothing different.

The fear of moving forward

What the fact of being “afraid to live” means is to be still in a place, without taking further steps, not taking risks for anything or anyone, due to the fear that decisions produce in us.

It is also synonymous with being carried away en masse towards the same collective site, not having different thoughts to avoid “not fitting in”, and so on.

Woman feeling like she doesn't fit


The fear of living is also an absolute limitation that can be described as someone who is looking at the world from a window, but does not leave home to play, walk, love, talk, smile, etc. It only stays on that passive plane where there is no room for action, laughter, movement, decision.

Life is basically reaching the dreams that arise. Of course, they are not the same goals at 10, 20, 30 or 70, but there are always goals that can be met, even when everything indicates otherwise.

It is necessary to risk in this very short existence that we human beings have, to get out of the walls and bars that we have imposed on ourselves for different reasons, to dedicate ourselves to being happy or at least, looking for those moments of happiness and enjoyment.

Wish to move on

Desire is what allows us to continue, it is the engine to continue (the same as happens with a car). Wishing is the same as having hope, objectives, goals, dreams or whatever we want to call it.

When a person fights for what he wants, fear does not limit him, no obstacle can overcome him. All the fears that can address you use it as an impetus to move on and overcome the impossible.

Man overcoming obstacles

Those who remain static, standing, without taking a new step because they are afraid of the consequences or being wrong, are stagnant people who not only do not advance, but do not allow others to do so.

There is no emotion more intense than having achieved something after a great effort.  There is no greater relief at bedtime than having worked hard enough to achieve that goal …

You will not find greater pleasure than saying “I made my dream come true”, with sacrifice, courage and determination. Well, the truth is that no one gives you anything and if it were, it would not have “the same flavor.


Live without fear

“Living without fear is the same as living (with all the letters)”, you need to change your attitude towards your day-to-day life. Ask yourself where the feelings of fear began, the origin of your fears, understand what it is that has led you to put yourself in the current position, that is, to not live properly.

Perhaps it may have been that you were raised in a very strict family, or that you have had a very big disappointment in your love or professional life. A betrayal, a death, a trauma, a serious mistake, all that paralyzes us.

However, it is not an excuse enough to let the days go by on the calendar without doing something different. Work on it, go to therapy if necessary, talk to whoever is appropriate, but the important thing is that “do not let yourself be.”

Immerse yourself in the memories of your memory and in what happens in your heart, externalize what happens to you. If you don’t cheer up with someone in front of you, do it in front of the mirror.

Pensive woman

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