Don’t Tell Someone Who Knows Stories

Do not come with stories to those who know stories

That they do not come with stories to those who know stories, that they forget the gossip; do not invent if you do not know; if they didn’t see, don’t comment; If they have not listened, they should not speak. It is bad that what the eyes have not seen is invented by the mouth but, unfortunately, there are still people who have a lot to learn.

There are those who try to deceive us. This is so even if it weighs on us, hurts us and destroys us. Gossip and gossip emit the poison in a triple way. Why? Because they hurt whoever says it, whoever listens to it and the person who is being talked about.

dedicates his time to improving himself

Who spends his time improving himself …

… Does not have time to criticize others. Hearing gossip, tales, and made-up stories wears us down intensely. Likewise, when we are the emitters of gossip, the evil we do comes back to us in the form of toxicity, bad feelings and vital and social maladjustment.

We must loosen up in our concern, put aside the gossip and not influence what is not up to us to speak or express our opinion. In fact, once again we must remember that before saying anything we must filter our message at least three times. Let’s see a little story that sums it up perfectly:

The young disciple of a wise philosopher comes home and says:

-Master, a friend was talking about you with malevolence …

-Waiting! the philosopher interrupts him. Did you make what you are going to tell me go through the three filters?

The three filters?  asked his disciple.

-Yes, the first is  the truth . Are you sure that what you want to tell me is absolutely true?

-No. I heard him comment to some neighbors.

-At least you will have put it through the second filter, which is  goodness . What you want to tell me, is it good for someone?

-No, not really. On the contrary…

-Ah, well! The last filter is  necessity . Is it necessary to let me know what worries you so much?

-To tell the truth, no.

“Then,” said the wise man, smiling, ”  if it is not true, neither good nor necessary, let us bury it in oblivion”

Pay no attention to gossip

Gossip only has one power: the attention of the listener

On one occasion Calorina Herrera said that if we don’t like something, we can take away the only power it has: our attention. There’s really nothing that can handle us if we don’t give it credit by lending it our interest.

Staying away from gossip helps us, firstly, to maintain a healthy attitude towards our relationships, our health and our self-concept. Because when we listen to what others are talking about, we are somehow allowing it to penetrate our mind.

This is sedimentation and ends up destroying the personal and mental order that we are gaining through sincerity, respect, humility, generosity and honesty. As a consequence, we end up forming a kind of “emotional and social calculations” that generate colic and relational conflicts in us.

That is why it is positive not to allow anyone to tell us stories or stories that distort our reality and worsen the way we deal with what we think, feel and do both about ourselves and others.

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