Do Men And Women Feel The Same?

Do men and women feel the same?

This question may be a motivation to search through our memories and realize that there are many differences in the way of acting between men and women, but the important thing is not how each one expresses their emotions, but the question itself, Do men and women feel the same?

The studies carried out by Dr. Gottman allowed to conclude that, despite finding differences in the way of expressing emotions, men and women felt very similarly. Other studies conducted from the University of Cambridge, in England, by Professor Baron-Cohen found that the male and female brain is structured differently.

The brain of women would be coded for empathy, unlike men who have their brains structured for understanding and building systems. These differences would become more and more visible when they grow up, especially after adolescence, when testosterone levels increase and create more differences between men and women.

That is why the brain of women would be more prepared to read emotional expressions or states of mind and that of men to capture structures and systems. This does not mean that men cannot understand other people’s emotions or women are incapable of building structures, but that the female and male brain have a predisposition to one type of activity, and will need more effort or a conscious effort to do what it is for. your brain is not so predisposed.

Man and woman in the field

Can you learn to express your emotions?

If we understand that  our behavior is influenced by a genetic part and an environmental part, almost equally, we can realize that, although we come with the brain prepared to capture certain types of stimuli, it is also the context and the environment that predispose us for one or another type of event.

Our roots and our ancestors leave their mark on us and on future generations. In most societies, the man has been the one who had to go out to find food and work for his family, and although he felt pain or pain when leaving, he had to hide these emotions to make the absence less painful and exercise his role of masculinity within the group .

Dr. Fisher also affirms that women, on the other hand, had to stay at home and be attentive to the care of their children, therefore their empathy developed more quickly, they needed to be alert to quickly grasp the needs of their children and home.

The brain has been structured in this way, perhaps not by feeling, but by having to express emotions. Today in some points this is far away, and in others, not so much. On the other hand, it is possible to identify an effort and a change in the educational system, in an attempt to guarantee equal opportunities,  education in emotions is increasingly normal, betting on emotional intelligence as a very important factor in development. of the now little ones.

Couple having something

More differences when expressing than when feeling

We can conclude with all this that although there are small brain differences between the male and female brain, where we find the maximum inequalities is in the way of expressing and not so much in the way of feeling.

We can also conclude that, although there are differences between both groups, there will always be more differences within the same group, that is, we will find more differences between the women themselves or between the men themselves in the way of feeling and expressing than between the two groups. .

We, as adults, play a very important role in education. This responsibility will only be fulfilled when we are able to guarantee equal opportunities for men and women, considering the potentialities of the person and avoiding that the differences that we have talked about serve as an excuse to maintain certain stereotypes and prejudices. In this sense, we can all feel and express the same, losing our fear of emotions is what makes us strong, knowing how to express each one of them is what makes us human, whether we are men or women.


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