Conscientiousness: When Self-discipline Brings Us Closer To Success

Beyond intelligence or talent, there are personality traits that allow us to achieve success. Conscientiousness is one of them because it implies high self-discipline and a clearly remarkable achievement orientation.
Conscientiousness: when self-discipline brings us closer to success

As the popular saying points out, “every scrupulous person will always be needy.” What do we know about the psychological trait of conscientiousness? From the field of human resources and personality theories, it is common to associate this characteristic with success and also with those interesting aspects that bring us closer to achieving great goals.

Is this true? Are scrupulous men and women figures of irrefutable competence and personal solvency? Seems that if. Researchers such as Paul Tough, author of the well-known book How Children Succeed: Determination, Curiosity and the Power of Character, points out that this characteristic is present in those figures who manage to achieve their vital goals.

Now, there are also those who see these types of features with some discomfort. They distrust them because they are particularly perfectionists and self-demanding. Scrupulousness leaves no room for carelessness, error, and even less for procrastination. They show in the eyes of others a certain addiction to work and that orientation towards achievement that can, at times, seem excessive.

It is true that popular culture filters this typology of personality with a certain negativity. However, we may be pleasantly surprised if we analyze it in detail.

Boy evidencing conscientiousness

Conscientiousness What is this personality trait?

As research on conscientiousness as a personality trait progresses, one aspect becomes aware: we are facing a dimension that is as desirable as it is beneficial in every way. Studies such as those carried out by the psychologist Brent Walter Roberts of the University of Illinois tell us that we are facing a construct that is related to quality of life.

Furthermore, in many human development, corporate or personal growth scenarios, conscientiousness is seen as one of the primary dimensions of success throughout life. Are we exaggerating? If we analyze it a little more in detail we will discover that there is little excessive and much interesting.

The perseverance

University of Pennsylvania psychologist Angela Duckworth is the author of the book Grit: Passion and Perseverance, a paper on how people succeed. In it he tells us something interesting. Talent and intelligence are not two variables that guide the human being towards happiness or success in an unavoidable way.

Actually, one of the traits that can help us the most to reach the peak of well-being and satisfaction is conscientiousness. In it, perseverance, the orientation to the achievement and the daily effort towards what one wants are integrated.

Likewise, the scrupulous person demonstrates high self-control, diligence and responsibility with himself and his goals. All of these areas are what build the true path to success.

Planning and responsibility

Conscientiousness is the opposite of impulsiveness. The person with this personality trait never acts without thinking or leaves anything to chance. They are planners, self-demanding, perfectionists and set feasible daily goals that they can easily assume.

Likewise, they take responsibility for themselves in every area of ​​their lives, always trying to give the best of their abilities.

Constancy and competence

People defined by conscientiousness are diligent and thorough. If a problem arises, they do not lose their cool and focus all their resources on solving that incident.

Now, if they are wrong they rarely come down. They are constant, with a great resistance to frustration, which allows them to learn from their mistakes and try new ways of doing things until they achieve success.

What you show others matters

The image that is shown to others also defines part of who we are and this is relevant to the figure defined by scrupulousness.

People with this trait perceive themselves as competent men and women and that essence is what they also seek to show to others.

The art of deliberation

The good art of deliberation is the resource that optimizes the most effective and successful decisions. Something like this is achieved from that scrupulousness that sets its sights on the ability to deliberate correctly. What does this mean? That before drawing a conclusion, each aspect and each variable must be considered.

The rush is never good companions so the ideal is to go calmly and reflect before acting.

Conscientiousness and self-discipline

We could safely say that conscientiousness always goes hand in hand with high self-discipline. Following some schedules, setting daily goals, exceeding each day a little more, being demanding with oneself and taking the reins of self-control are undoubtedly pillars on which this personality is based.

woman defined by her scrupulousness

Self-care is important

If there is something that defines a scrupulous man or woman, it is coherence. His self-discipline is not restricted only to the professional field, to his eagerness to achieve goals and objectives. Self-care is also important for them, taking care of their quality of life, taking care of their relationships… A full life also requires discipline and knowing what is most decisive at all times.

To conclude, scrupulousness is defined above all by having an internal locus of control. Thus, when one tries to ensure that each situation is under the helm of one’s own competencies, efforts and determinations, there is greater existential satisfaction.

On the other hand, we are facing a series of personality traits that we can all train to a great extent. It’s never too late.

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