Between Babia And The Moon

Between Babia and the Moon

“Wake up! Come down from the cloud, you are in Babia and love is not so bad! ” Why are there people who want us to lose that inner peace? The current relaxation and meditation currents push us to connect with the present reality, to have full consciousness. But why not also value that feeling of being absent from the world and more if it is with someone you love?

We do not know for sure who was the first to pronounce the phrase “Wake up, you’re in Babia!” What we do know is the feeling of being there, in Babia. That impression that time flies without being aware and absent from the moment. After all that we are learning about the use of meditation, mindfulness or the search to “be present” it is time to vindicate the feeling of being abstracted.

Being in Babia we have the feeling of being distracted, with our gaze fixed on one point. We can notice how the surrounding objects lose sharpness in our eyes. The limits are blurred and our body relaxes. It is a pleasant moment of isolation. Objects, people and the world cease to matter and almost everything flows.

That sweet feeling

According to historians, the origin of the expression comes from medieval times when the kings of León went to rest in the Babia region. Today the expression is used for various moments. The most common use is to stare at one point and feel the brain relax. It is a state of “nothing” in which experts do not fully know what is going on.

Woman with moon in mind

According to the dictionary of the RAE we find in Babia a phrase that refers to “not knowing what is happening around”. Some say it has to do with a brain reset state in which the brain relaxes and prepares to reconnect with the world. It is as if the conscience recharges the batteries to face any new event that arises.

There are other uses more aimed at an emotional state. They use it to describe something beyond perceived sensations and that is closer to the soul than to neurons. Something completely different from what a state of meditation or mindfulness would be. That description may sound familiar to us.

Between Babia and the Moon, the heart

Finding ourselves in Babia means being absent, disconnected and in a state of relaxation where consciousness evades. “Being on the Moon” leads us to feel removed from the world, as an exceptional state where nothing and nobody bothers us. This mental and emotional state is equated to another also known universe where feelings evoke a space known to all. Love. We know the stages of love, and according to these, falling in love could correspond to this moment.

Woman catching the moon

In the end , falling in love is a state in which we are sweetly lost without permanently seeking contact with reality. We will always find people who will tell us “Wake up!” or “Come down from the clouds that you are gawking.” Those who want to clap their hands to break that bubble of self-absorption want to speed up a process that they have the right to go through.

Stay in the clouds, travel from Babia to the Moon and come back as many times as you want. This state is delicious and as long as it does not separate us excessively from our reality, it is very pleasant.

If you miss Babia, come back

And yes… there comes that moment when butterflies get tired of flapping 24 hours a day and relax. We come out of that state by ourselves, by the passage of time and by the inertia of the relationship. We go off the path that connects Babia and the Moon. However, even if we are in that new state of the relationship where understanding, stability and trust appear, we can always revisit old known states.

Woman touching a heart

Small gestures, words, songs, acts … any of these elements can reposition us on the path from which time has lowered us. We always have a choice. It is not necessary to be in crisis to get the Luna destination ticket. We can return to Babia and start the journey at any time under any circumstance. It does not have to be eternal since this will generate frustration and nostalgia, two undesirable elements for relationships.

Therefore, if you are halfway through the itinerary, don’t let anyone interrupt you on that journey. Stay between Babia and the Moon for as long as you need, and when it is over you always have the resources to choose “origin and destination” (start with one and finish in another). Of course, always enjoying the journey as if it were the first time, being able to return with the same person as many times as we want: we just have to agree on the dates.

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