Being Happy Is A Choice, Your Choice. Happiness Is Not A Peak To Reach

We all want to be happy and they constantly tell us that it is a choice. But what does this mean? Happiness is not the top of the mountain you have to get to, it is a way of looking at life that will make you feel better.
Being happy is a choice, your choice.  Happiness is not a peak to reach

For a long time, Psychology was focused mainly on the study of negative and pathological aspects of the human being, including depression, stress, anxiety, etc. The reality is that the foundations of well-being, the happiness of the individual, as well as the virtues and favorable aspects of the human being, were frequently left out of study. Nobody knew how to be happy and what happiness was. Today, it seems that we have it clearer. Being happy is a choice.

In this regard, he dedicates his study to Positive Psychology, covering topics such as happiness, wisdom, emotional intelligence, resilience, a sense of humor, etc. The objective of this area of ​​Psychology is to achieve an improvement in the quality of life of people and achieve a greater degree of happiness and personal satisfaction, for which it is also often called the “Science of Well-being”.

Here we share with you some aspects that you can take into account if you intend to learn to be happy with yourself and enjoy the well-being you are looking for.

Being happy is a choice

The first thing you have to know is that being happy is a choice, your choice. Happiness is not a peak to be reached. Rather, it is a state of mind, of personal satisfaction, that helps you define and adjust your goals, broaden your mind and contemplate the possibilities at your fingertips in a positive way.

Happy woman

Happiness is also a powerful energy that extends to those around you providing well-being to all. You have to choose to be happy and for this there are a few things that can help you:

Take a positive attitude towards life

It is, first of all, to show our appreciation for what we already have. Take a moment and look around you and contemplate what you have, surely there is much to be thankful for. Additionally, positive moments of joy, love, and enthusiasm can overcome and neutralize negative moments of anger, hatred, or apathy.

If we have strong determination, we will act and strive to achieve what we want. Everything is based on whether we are happy with what we have, which is why many people who apparently have everything, do not achieve happiness since, somehow, they always need something more.

Make your life simpler

Sometimes we feel that we have to fill our lives with things, with different activities that are supposed to make us happy. However, along the way we get lost and either don’t do the activities, or they don’t really bring us the happiness we seek. So in the end we don’t have time for anything and we get frustrated; since in the end we don’t even have a moment to have a coffee with a friend, or to sit down to listen to good music.

It is important to be clear about what your work times are and what your leisure times are. Thus, you will not let anything take your attention away from those moments of relaxation and fun, because they are more necessary than we think.

Leisure time

Tune your body and mind

When your body and mind are in tune, everything is fine and you feel happy. That is why physical exercise is so important for your emotional stability, since it releases stress and relieves depression. Simply taking a moment to take a few deep breaths and relax can make a huge difference to your mood.

Feel in fullness

Holding back is a mistake. Don’t push yourself too hard, take a break and give yourself permission to experience different emotions, both positive and negative. All of them are part of life and we have to assume them naturally.

Make up your mind to be happy. Monitor your self-talk and watch when negativity drifts into unhappiness. The right path is to cultivate happiness by actively working and changing your mental attitude. However, understand that the road is full of ups and downs, and feeling bad is also healthy.


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