Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life

Today is the first day of the rest of your life

Today is a gift, that is why it is called “present”. Beyond these types of phrases that you have surely read thousands of times, it would be good to reflect a little on the time you have left to live and how you will enjoy it. Of course we do not know when we will leave this beautiful world, therefore we must try to be better every day.

Today is the beginning of your new life. Today is the time to leave mistakes behind and to learn from them. Today is the beginning of a wonderful and fulfilling future. You just have to propose it and make that “break” necessary to separate yourself from the one you were yesterday.

Today is the most important

The excess of the past or the future prevents us from being happy in the present. We cannot change what has happened and what is about to happen is a mystery. If instead we think about today we will be much happier. Do you want to do the test?

Woman breathing fresh air

“Tomorrow I will start the diet.” “Next week I’ll call my friend.” “When I graduate I will have time to exercise.” All these promises for the future can even be the perfect excuse not to act today.

It is true that days have only 24 hours and that we cannot do everything we want. But,  perhaps it is time to analyze what your priorities are and give them the importance they require.

Think of today as your last day

What would you do if for some strange reason you found out that today will be the last time you will see the sunrise? Who would you visit? What words would you say? How would you feel? I propose that you do this exercise daily. Not to get depressed thinking about death, but to make the best use of the hours.

Don’t wait for tomorrow if you want to apologize, say I love you, or give a hug. Today is the best time for reunions, words never said or actions never thought. If you don’t do it today, when else? Don’t let the opportunity be missed. Do not save anything for the future because as you already know it is quite uncertain.

Father and daughter hugging

Today will be a great day

The moment you realize how wonderful it is to live in the present and not long for past or future, you will be able to enjoy the smallest and smallest of your existence, such as the rain, a butterfly flying around you or those minutes that you see your son sleep.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. This phrase is an ode to fulfillment, to let go of ties and do what really does you good. Grudge, hatred, resentment and depression are mean feelings that weigh heavily on your back and heart and do not allow you to walk freely. In this break that you have decided to make while living today, you can detach yourself from them to lighten the pace.

Don’t be afraid of the present. Remember that it is your best gift and that no one can take it away from you. No matter how old you are. If you are in the dawn or the sunset of your life. Enjoy everything around you, no matter how small.

You always have the possibility to start. Starting today, become that person you would be proud of. Be your own hero. Give yourself the opportunity to continually improve. Do not forget to smile, to thank, to love and to forgive.

Woman with music

Today is the most important day of your life. It is the ideal journey to become a new being, full of good intentions and without any pressure, harmful feelings and ties to the past.

As you walk, look at the path, your shoes, and the landscape around you. Don’t turn your head to see what you’ve left behind, and don’t use binoculars to bring the future closer to you. Step by step you can be closer to everything you propose. Please don’t forget that today is the start of something better. It is the first day of your new life.

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