The Inspiring Phrases Of Goethe

In Goethe’s phrases we discover a humanist who believes in ethics as the way to give meaning to the existence of men and societies. We put ourselves in the hands of an unusual writer, who influenced Western thought as a whole.
Goethe's inspiring phrases

Georges Eliot defined Johann Wolfgang von Goethe as the greatest man of letters in German history. For this reason, referring to Goethe’s phrases is simply approaching the tip of the iceberg of an unusual writer and thinker.

He is considered one of the most relevant intellectuals of the 18th century and one of the best writers in history. In Goethe’s phrases his genius can be glimpsed, but only by immersing himself in his work is it possible to capture the enormous dimension of this writer.

Goethe not only exerted a remarkable influence on all the writers after him, but he was also decisive for the great German philosophers who succeeded him. So let’s look at some of those Goethe phrases that are frequently quoted.

The legacy for the children

This is one of those beautiful Goethe phrases that continues to find reflection in reality. It reads as follows: “ There are only two lasting legacies we can hope to give to our children. One of them are roots, the other, wings ”.

When he speaks of roots, Goethe refers to childhood and the history that it configures. Much of our destiny is written in some way at this stage. When he mentions wings, he refers to the ability we have to project ourselves into the future. Both, indeed, are great legacies.

Boy with cardboard plane

Hypotheses and their value

Goethe tells us the following: “ The hypotheses are scaffolds that are placed in front of the building and removed at the end of the works. They are essential for the bricklayer, who however should not take the scaffolding through the building ”.

The scientific side is not really Goethe’s best known. However, he explored, although without much success, this field. Although this statement is directed to science, it is also applicable to life. Simply, guesses are not facts.

One of Goethe’s phrases about change

This is one of Goethe’s most beautiful phrases. He points out: ” Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes. ” The beauty of this statement lies in the simplicity with which it expresses one of the great universal truths.

In one way or another, it makes the concepts of statism and death equivalent. What does not change … is not alive. Everything living is in permanent mutation and the wisest thing to do is to be prepared for this continuous transformation.


This is another of those Goethe phrases in which we find a very inspiring touch. It goes like this: “ Whatever you can or dream you can, start it. The atrevemient have intelligent, power and magic. Start it now ”.

It is very invigorating that he speaks like that of daring. Not only does he see it as a virtue, but he also points out that it has a special strength. Seeking dreams to come true and acting on that purpose is something no one should put off.

The little dreams

In this sentence Goethe also speaks of dreams. Indicate the following: ” Do not dream small dreams because they have no power to move the heart of man. ” It is very interesting that he links the dimension of desire with that of motivation.

It means that only large companies are capable of really moving us to action. Small targets, the ones that don’t scare us or shake us, are not strong enough to fully capture our will to act.

Motivated woman

It is necessary to listen

As a celebrity of his time, Goethe was the subject of much praise, but also strong criticism. No one with as much authority as him to affirm the following: ” It is a great virtue of the serene man to hear everything that is censured against him, to correct what is true and not be disturbed by what is a lie. “

This reflection calls for independence of criteria. Also to turn the negative actions of others into sources of growth. The condition to achieve this is only one: maintain serenity. Listen to criticism with your mind and not with your heart.

Talent and character

This is another of the fabulous phrases of the German genius; specifically, it reflects a clue to human reality. He says: “ Talent is cultivated in calm; character is formed in the stormy waves of the world ”.

What gives value to this sentence is the fact that it specifies the circumstances that favor the development of talent and character. Polishing and enhancing skills and abilities requires peace of mind. Developing character requires great trials.

The Spanish philosopher George Santayana described Goethe as ” the most enlightened man of humanity. Maybe he is right. The admirable thing, in any case, is that this great German writer was able to communicate his genius and his thinking in such an original way.

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