Ten Habits To Be Happy With Your Partner

Ten habits to be happy with your partner

With the passage of time, monotony tends to settle in the life of a couple and little by little boredom can gain ground. But, although it is not an easy task, it is possible to be happy as a couple. The key is in the desire of both to remain united and to want to be really happy, establishing the relationship as an indisputable priority.

Said like that, it sounds simple, right? But how to achieve it? How can we make the couple relationship our priority, having to take care of work, children, grandparents, the house, paying the bills and looking good with friends and family, among other things?

Psychiatrist and consultant Mark Goulston, author of How To Get and Maintain the Love You Deserve , says the key is to identify and cultivate the habits that promote happiness in your partner.

According to Goulston, “a habit is a behavior that you repeat automatically until it costs you little effort to maintain it.” Therefore, all couples can adopt them simply by dedicating a little time and interest to them. Although at the beginning it is done in a way, it will soon become something natural that will facilitate many other things.

Habits to be happy as a couple

According to Mark Goulston, there are some habits that “guarantee” or at least pave the right way for a couple to be happy. These habits that can characterize happy couples are the following:

1. Go to bed at the same time

This, which is quite common at the beginning of life as a couple, tends to disappear over time. According to Goulston, it is necessary to maintain this custom to keep the flame of desire burning.

couple kissing under pillow


2. Cultivate common interests

After the initial passion, many couples find that they have little in common. For this reason it is necessary to find something to do together, something to get involved in. This does not mean that you have to do everything with your partner. It is enough to find something that interests both of you, while still having other interests of your own.

3. Walk together hand in hand

It is a simple and common gesture at the beginning of a relationship, but with time it is lost. Have you noticed how cute it is to see two old men walking hand in hand? Do not let yourself be left behind  because if you allow yourself, you lose the sense of company.

4. Trust and forgive

Arguing is normal, but to be happy as a couple you  have to know how to manage the conflicts that arise properly. If there is mutual trust and forgiveness is offered without grudges, it is much easier to manage these conflicts and keep the relationship alive and healthy.

5. Focus on the positive

Focusing on the other’s positive qualities rather than their flaws is the key to staying in love. Nobody is perfect, but, as Goulson says, “it all depends on what you want to look for.

6. Hugging

According to Goulston “our skin has a memory of“ good caresses ”(love),“ bad caresses ”(abuse) and“ no caresses ”(carelessness). Couples who greet each other with a hug keep their skin bathed in “good caresses.” You don’t need a reason to hug.


7. Say “I love you”

Saying those two simple words, and accompanying them with a “have a nice day”, every morning is a stimulus to start the day well.  In addition, they help to smooth out any roughness that has arisen.

couple looking at each other smiling

8. Say “good night”

With this simple wish, the couple reaffirms their relationship every night, despite the difficulties and emotional ups and downs of the day. Says Goulston that “this tells your partner that you still want to be in the relationship. He says that what they both have is bigger than any disturbing incident.

9. Call or text during the day

It is a small gesture that implies something very important: that one person cares about the other. It is a routine call to know if everything is going well, or maybe just a message, but it allows us to stay connected and know in advance how the couple will be when we meet her at the end of the day.

10. Feel proud to show yourself as a couple

This is as simple as kissing, touching or hugging in public and staying together. Gestures that show connection, complicity, and that also help to be happy as a couple.

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