The Metaphor Of The Computer Screen

The metaphor of the computer screen

The computer screen metaphor clearly tells us how our thoughts can influence us, to the point of losing sight of our goals. We are talking about a therapeutic resource / complement used to describe in a simple way how thoughts can affect us in everyday situations.

Through this metaphor, a situation is expressed from two different perspectives. Certainly, it serves as an example to see how negative thoughts can influence the pursuit of goals.

In the metaphor of the computer screen, the messages represent negative automatic thoughts, which are those ideas that contaminate many of our thought processes, conditioning them, stopping them and generating discomfort. Studies confirm that thoughts push us to failure. In addition, when this happens, the worst of all is that we are not always able to detect them as precipitating the result that we have obtained.

Woman with a cloud in her hands to represent circular thoughts

The metaphor of the computer screen

Two co-workers are in the office and sharing a work table. Suddenly, both begin to receive messages on their computer screen with the following comments: “you will not be able to solve the problem” and “you are useless.”

The first of the workers tries to delete the messages, although they reappear over and over again. Next, you decide to focus on your tasks and try not to be affected by the previous comments. Despite being affected, she decides to continue doing what she likes the most: her job.

After receiving the same type of messages, the second partner tries to delete them at all costs. The comments distract her and even affect her self-esteem. To the point that you can’t move forward if you can’t make the letters disappear from the screen.

Finally, he can  not delete the messages or finish his tasks, since the messages have caused him to suffer a crash that has prevented him from carrying out his work calmly and normally. Likewise, the suffering is increasing and the negative messages multiply, it is once generated by itself.

He looks at his partner with anger because he sees her working and even seems to be enjoying the tasks. Finally, she thinks that she can work because she does not receive the same messages as her.

Lessons from the computer screen metaphor

From this metaphor, we can rescue the following conclusions:

1.-There is more than one solution in the same situation

After knowing the metaphor of the computer screen, we observe that in the same situation there are two people who decide to act differently. It is a good example to realize how important self-confidence is.

When you have doubts or work with negative messages is when you most need to regain control of your attention and divert it to another place. Rarely is the forest all negative or positive. Moreover, the normal thing is that it is in balance and that we, with our partial perspective, are the ones who value it.

2.-Negative thoughts

Negative thoughts appear in our minds unexpectedly. They are the result of our personal experiences and, at times, distract us from achieving our goals.

Negative thoughts generate doubts and discomfort within us. However, they are natural and occur automatically. We recommend learning how to feed them while trying to finish them.

Woman with negative thoughts

What worker do you identify with?

Our first protagonist has been  able to overcome the potholes in order to finish her day with the job done. Therefore, he has managed to win the battle against the negative thoughts that could have happened from the initial ones. Thus, despite the fact that sometimes they come badly, it is very important to have control to prevent certain ideas from being reproduced in our thoughts.

On the contrary, the other character in the story gives in to the pressure caused by the rain of negative messages that appear on his screen and that disturb his natural work rhythm. We observe how he tries to overcome an initial situation that ends up overcoming him. She is not better or worse than the first, she just uses the most appropriate strategy.

In short, the metaphor of the computer screen is a good example to understand the importance of coping strategies. Strategies that do not only operate at the behavioral level, but also at the mental level.

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