Fibromyalgia: The Pain That Society Does Not See Or Understand

Fibromyalgia: the pain that society does not see or understand

Fibromyalgia was recognized as a disease by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1992. Today,  fibromyalgia affects 4% of the population and the majority, almost 90%, are women.

It is known as the “invisible disease” because it affects all the soft parts of the musculoskeletal system and cannot be easily diagnosed through medical tests. Fibromyalgia is not seen, does not leave marks on the skin or causes wounds that others can see to identify themselves. It is a lonely, desperate pain.

At the moment the etiology of this disease is still unknown, however, what we do know is that year after year more people are diagnosed, hence we seek to give an intervention as globalized as possible, including how the biopsychosocial aspect is logical.

Therefore, today in our space we want to give you some basic guidelines so that you can face the disease with strength, improving your quality of life as much as possible.

woman with butterflies on her back

Fibromyalgia: the real disease that is not seen

When a person cannot get out of bed because they feel that “burning needles” hurt their joints, they are not pretending or looking for an excuse not to go to work.

Those who suffer from fibromyalgia must add their own illness with social misunderstanding, with the feeling of feeling invisible in a world that only believes what it sees.

The main problem of FM (fibromyalgia) is in the controversy of whether its origin is psychological or organic. These would be the main conclusions that the experts tell us:

Possible origin of fibromyalgia

It is necessary to clarify first that there is no medical evidence linking fibromyalgia with a psychiatric illness.

  • Some authors say that about 47% of patients suffer from anxiety, however, it must also be taken into account that this psychological dimension can be a response to the pain itself, to the disease itself.
  • According to a work published in the journal “Arthritis & Rheumatology”, fibromyalgia sufferers experience a greater hypersensitivity to everyday sensory stimulation.
  • Using magnetic resonance imaging, the researchers discovered that when faced with a visual, tactile, olfactory or auditory stimulus, the brain’s sensory integration regions suffer a greater than usual overstimulation.
  • People with fibromyalgia have a greater number of sensory nerve fibers in their blood vessels, so that any stimulus or change in temperature results in severe pain.
pain in fibromyalgia

Something to keep in mind is that any emotional factor will increase the sensation of pain in these nerve fibers. A specific situation of stress will lead to overstimulation and pain and, in turn, the sensation of chronic pain and fatigue leads the patient to helplessness and even depression.

We fall, therefore, in a vicious circle where a disease of organic origin is increased by the psychological factor. Therefore, it is worth controlling the emotional dimension to attenuate or at least “control” the etiological origin.

5 keys to obtaining a better quality of life

First of all, we must be clear that the same dimensions are not going to serve us all. You must find those strategies that suit you according to your particularity and needs. To do this, try and select yourself those that give you the most relief.

  • Understand your illness. This implies being in contact with specialists, doctors and psychologists. We need multidisciplinary treatments and each one will provide you with all the knowledge of this ailment so that you “understand” your enemy. In this way, you will be safer and prevented.
  • Build a positive attitude in your life. We know that it is not easy, but instead of reacting to pain it is better to accept it and treat it, not to get depressed. Do not hesitate to talk to people who suffer the same as you, do not isolate yourself or hold a grudge against those around you.
  • Look for activities that allow you to cope with stress and anxiety : there are very suitable relaxation techniques that can help you. Yoga, meanwhile, can also be very beneficial.
  • Never lose control of your life, do not let pain dominate you. To do this, establish daily leisure moments, no matter how small. Go for a walk and don’t avoid social contact.
  • Pay attention to your emotions, your thinking and your language. What we think and feel has a direct influence on the disease. If we say phrases such as “I will not be able to get up”, “this has no solution” or “I no longer have the strength”, you will increase your suffering.

Take a look at these phrases and you will see how your reality changes.

tree in the shape of a woman


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