5 Daily Behaviors Explained By Neuroscience

The daily behaviors explained by neuroscience show us that the mind and the body form an indivisible unit. At the same time, they show that human behavior cannot be understood solely in terms of the biological.
5 everyday behaviors explained by neuroscience

There are several daily behaviors explained by neuroscience that refer us to the high complexity of the human being. More and more progress is being made in the study of those biological mechanisms that are present in the actions, thoughts and feelings of human beings, but at the same time many mysteries remain.

In particular, there are some behaviors that we see as normal , but which from a physiological point of view involve enormous complexity. They also account for the highest expressions of the human brain. Therefore, the subject is fascinating and has attracted the attention of many scientists.

However, the daily behaviors explained by neuroscience do not end in this biological illustration. The human body is biological, but also symbolic. The brain makes us not pure anatomy, since it constitutes a highly elaborated nervous network, which gives rise to something more than a pure and hard matter. This is evident in what science says about the following behaviors.

1. Blush

Blushing is one of those everyday behaviors explained by neuroscience, at least from a physiological point of view. And we say “at least”, because until now science has not been able to elucidate why we blush. We are the only species that turns red and that is why Darwin spoke of blushing as ” the most human of expressions .”

Science says that in a situation of shame, the body releases adrenaline. This causes the blood vessels to dilate to facilitate blood flow and oxygen circulation. The veins in the face become dilated and allow more blood to pass through than normal. That’s where the blush appears. From a psychological point of view, it corresponds to feeling betrayed.

Woman feeling ashamed

2. Kissing, one of the daily behaviors explained by neuroscience

The kiss is not a universal expression, that is, it is not present in all cultures, although it does in many. Some primates, such as chimpanzees and bonobos, also kiss. However, the function that the kiss fulfills between them is one of reconciliation, exclusively. In addition, they do not press their lips together, nor do they exchange saliva.

In the human being the matter is different. Male saliva contains a protein called darcin, which is dependent on testosterone. The presence of this protein allows the female to identify which male is best suited for reproduction. At the same time, menstruation and ovulation cause a woman’s breath to change. In the kiss, the man captures it and knows when a female is more apt to procreate.

3. Be generous

A study carried out at the Department of Psychology at the University of Lubeck, Germany, set out to establish what were the brain mechanisms involved in generous behaviors. They started from the idea that altruism is not only a product of education, but that it also corresponded to a biological mechanism.

After conducting an experiment with volunteers, they were able to establish that the most generous people have two characteristics. One, that they are most active in an area known as the temporoparietal junction (TPJ). And two, that this area had in them a strong connection with the striated nucleus, a relevant element in the feeling of happiness. The human being is genetically equipped to be sociable.

4. Nail biting

Nail biting is another of those daily behaviors explained by neuroscience, although it is seen as something irrational. It is known that up to 30% of the adult population has this type of behavior. Among children the percentage is even higher. In principle, this habit obeys a mechanism to release tension. This tension generates a wealth of energy to spare, which is diminished by biting your nails.

Now, some experiments carried out with mice showed interesting data. After going through the same maze several times, these animals found a way to go through it and learned it. Then they continued to carry out the same route always. When this happened, brain waves were slower in the striatum. In other words, the habit calms, helps regulate the available energy.

Woman biting nails

5. Cry

There are still several enigmas surrounding human crying. Tears are another of those everyday behaviors explained by neuroscience, but only partially. First, it must be clear that  there are physiological tears and emotional tears. The first ones are those that appear when, for example, we peel an onion. The latter take place when we are under certain affective states.

According to William H. Frey, a biochemist at St. Paul-Ramsey Medical Center in Minnesota, emotional tears carry some components out of the body such as manganese, potassium chloride, prolactin, endorphins, adenocorticotropin, and leucine-enkephalin. By taking those components out, you decrease emotional tension. However, the Dutch expert Ad Vingerhoets, assures that crying is a way of expressing helplessness, an instinctive call for help.

The brain remains a mysterious reality, on which science has barely advanced. Although there are many novelties around the daily behaviors explained by neuroscience, we are still far from reaching a full understanding of many phenomena.

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