You Don’t Suit Me … And That’s Why I Stay Away From You

You don't suit me ... and that's why I stay away from you


I stay away from you because you do not suit my mind or my heart, because you damage my soul and that… I don’t like it. I let you go and  I wish you the best, because I don’t want to hold ugly grudges; I do not want my will to be flooded with feelings that only harm me.

I thought you were a friend, a good neighbor, a good love or a good co-worker … but in the end time sent, the one that marks our day to day and I have been feeling how you only contributed negativity to my life and I … I appreciate myself, I esteem myself, I love myself and because they say that “well understood charity begins with oneself” I do not want to, nor should I, nor can I “keep dancing the water for you” like a young guide who follows his despotic master …

Because at this point I have understood that I do not care what they think of me, because I only care about feeling good about myself without harming anyone … so I walk away “singing softly” … they are discussions, without fights, without misunderstandings …

But you go your way, I’ll follow mine. Forking trails

I will always respect you, because respect is part of the way I understand life. It is of no use to me and nothing helps me to look at you with bad feelings. I don’t want that for myself, because that only dirties and hardens my soul …

For this reason and because I do not like wars or weapons or combats in which someone is always wounded, I am leaving in peace. So I feel happier, I feel that my soul is clean and without grudges

I just want to surround myself with what makes me happy.

I don’t want to do anything out of “commitment”, from now on I have the commitment to myself … the commitment to be happy!


How to recognize that you are facing a toxic person?


1. You feel uncomfortable because …

2. They make hurtful comments about you or others frequently.

3. They want to always be above the rest

4. They like to ridicule or belittle the weakest.

5. They do not know how to encourage others or listen, only their problems matter

6.  They are not happy about the good things that happen to others

7. There are different types : defeatist, melancholic, depressing, negative, cynical, gossipy, catastrophic, envious, authoritarian, blaming, selfish, or they may even have a number of these traits.

8. They are manipulative

9. They always have to be the protagonists of all conversations

10. They do  not usually keep secrets or break their promises.



How to deal with toxic people?


1. Support your security in the idea that they  can only hurt you if you allow it.

2. Keep your distance or even break up with them.

3. Don’t get carried away by their negativity; If you go on a trip, they will tell you about what can happen to you, if you are going to start a new job they will tell you that you are doing the wrong thing … and they always continue their spiral.

4. Meet new people who make you believe again in the human being, be positive in this regard.

5.  Avoid arguments and grudges only lead to an inner discomfort.

6.  Do not let your thoughts invade, become aware that you are occupying your mind too much with that person, say enough! Let them leave your interior without noise or fanfare.

7. Do not give too much importance and use a sense of humor, it is undoubtedly a good ally.

8. Learn little by little that throughout your life you will meet many people of this type: at work, in the family, among a group of friends … Do not get carried away by them.

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