Knowing How To Delegate Responsibilities, Why Is It So Important?

Delegating responsibilities is key in any work environment. It is not only an act of recognition and trust towards the other, it is also an essential strategy to be competitive, recognizing the unique and exceptional potential of each person.
Knowing how to delegate responsibilities, why is it so important?

Knowing how to delegate responsibilities is what differentiates large organizations. The success of a company is based on many factors; one of them is diversification and the ability to trust others. However, one thing the research tells us is that executives and managers continue to have difficulty handing over control to others.

Let’s be clear, who does not delegate sooner or later finds himself with a number of responsibilities greater than he can respond to. Something like this not only creates stress, but also leads sooner or later to inefficiency and serious mistakes. Somehow, with this attitude, it tends to strengthen the classic vertical structure where power falls on a limited number of people.

Likewise, it is common for another factor to be given. When it comes to handing over responsibilities, people rely more on close figures such as friends or family. Sometimes it doesn’t even matter that these people are trained in the tasks they are going to perform. The important thing is that they have the confidence (and also the control) of the leader. In this way, it results in that form of absolute nepotism that is so harmful.

As much as it may surprise us, in much of our organizational fabric the idea that “if you want to do something well, do it yourself” still prevails. This idea may work in certain situations, but not in business. Anti-delegators abound and, what is worse, when they give in and assume that it is necessary to entrust tasks to others, they do it wrong. Let’s see why.

Man thinking about what representing why knowing how to delegate responsibilities is important

Knowing how to delegate responsibilities: reasons why it is not done (or it is done badly)

Knowing how to delegate is one of the most challenging aspects when someone enters a leadership position. You trust your own skills, but … how to do it in others? Who assures us that the person they have just hired will be able to carry out certain functions as one wants, hopes and wishes? Trust is actually that. It is an act of faith and a leap into the void, but it is what allows most of us to move forward.

Let’s face it, most of us have done it on more than one occasion. We give up to other plots that previously belonged to us in order to live better and, because doing so is an act of recognition of the worth of the other. We do it when we have a partner and we also do it in the education of our children. There always comes a time when it is necessary for children to assume tasks and responsibilities, because something like this allows them to grow, gain self-esteem and position themselves socially.

At the company level it is almost the same. No manager or officer can take on each and every one of the most serious responsibilities of an organization. Diversifying is not only vital, but it is also promoting the attitude of sharing resources, encouraging others to deploy their human capital. To distribute is to win, to diversify is to position ourselves in the market by taking advantage of the potential of people. 

However, as we have pointed out, this is not always done or done badly. Let’s see the reasons.

Why is it so difficult to delegate responsibilities to others?

A first factor that makes it difficult to delegate to others in a work environment is the need to have everything under control. There are leaders who embrace the classic idea that no one can do things better than them. Moreover, giving their own tasks to others is an attack on their own leadership and therefore, they hide behind their position.

  • Another important element is the null ability of certain leaders to train others. If I want to delegate to others, I must first teach them what to do and how to do it. If I don’t have time for it or don’t know how to do it, it will most likely end in disaster.
  • There is yet another reality that is often seen: lack of confidence. Sometimes, it does not matter that we have competent and effective people, men and women to whom delegating a task is knowing that they will do it well. There are leaders who do not trust, who fear being betrayed and who do not feel comfortable diversifying responsibilities.
leader in red representing why knowing how to delegate responsibilities is important

Knowing how to delegate responsibilities, what are the keys?

The vast majority of leaders in an organization understand that knowing how to delegate responsibilities is important. And indeed, it is often done; it is carried out, but not in the best way. The consequences of a bad assignment of tasks and activities can be dire; Not only does the occurrence of incidents, problems and low productivity increase, but it also creates a bad working environment.

Leaders blame workers and the idea is established that it is best to do it yourself. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account some very specific aspects that will facilitate things in the short and long term. They are as follows:

  • What to expect and what to do. If tasks, processes and goals are not specified, problems will arise.
  • Accurate cast . Who should do what? How far does your responsibility and mine go?
  • Clarity in time. This is another fundamental factor. When should each thing be presented? How much time do I have to organize, carry out or solve each thing?
  • Good communication and adequate channels. As we well know and imagine, communication is that priority gear that must flow normally and easily. To do this, it is best to establish adequate channels, such as regular meetings and also, train staff in communication skills and social skills.

To conclude, we are aware that it is not easy at all to create a competitive, happy and successful organization from today to tomorrow. Such a task takes time, but what is most needed are wills. The will and commitment to go far together, recognizing the value of each individual in the company.

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