How To Enjoy School Holidays With Children

When the children’s holidays arrive, we are challenged: to set a new agenda that we can all enjoy.
How to enjoy school holidays with children

Have you ever heard a mother or father during school holidays say to children something like: “I am looking forward to starting school again !” Unfortunately, it is somewhat more common than we might initially think.

Let us remember that vacations should be times of family enjoyment. Therefore, it is necessary that a time that has to help relaxation, rest and life together with ours does not become a kind of battlefield between parents and children.

Learn to enjoy school holidays with your children

It is possible to enjoy a school vacation as a family without conflict becoming the constant trend. Although these periods of time break with the usual routine and change habits, we know that by managing them correctly, a pleasant and peaceful period can be achieved.

And it is that both parents and children end the school or work year with a notable level of exhaustion. That is why we are looking forward to the well-deserved rest. However, this rest can also exhaust us if we end up allowing disorder to prevail.

In addition, many parents complain, when they have vacations, that all they do is change their work for domestic work. Every day they have to prepare meals, clean the home, take care of the children, etc. They feel that this way they neither rest nor enjoy.

Mothers and sons having fun

Recommendations for school holidays with children

So how do you enjoy school holidays with children? The psychologist Paloma Méndez de Miguel is an expert in these types of matters. That is why it offers some recommendations to enjoy these vacation periods in which parents coincide with children, avoiding in the process altercations, unnecessary nerves and destabilization without having to send the little ones to camps or have the grandparents take care of them for too long. weather.

Maintain the sleep routine

It is difficult to get children to go to bed at their usual time during the holidays. However, without maintaining a strict routine, it can be interesting to delay a little time to go to bed  and also to get up, so that both times coincide with those of the parents so that, when they wake up, they do not bother the adults .

Maintain eating habits and schedules

That is, it is necessary that the rhythm of meals does not vary. If the hours for snacks and meals, for breakfasts and dinners vary, the order will not be maintained either.

It is also important to prevent children from eating worse. If they spend the holidays taking ice cream, candy and sugary drinks, this will also affect their correct stability.

Plan breaks and free time

On vacation, time-sharing fits, but also time in the sun. We can spend some time playing with them, but also establish other periods of time in which they will have to carry out activities in which they do not depend on us. 

These autonomous activities do not necessarily have to do with the use of technology. In this sense, it is important that we encourage them to propose activities in which they are not taxpayers and in which they are at the same time very autonomous.

Intelligently manage leisure alternatives

Remember that children have the whole day off during the holidays, with hardly any obligations. Does this mean that we must look for obligations to entertain their summer days? Not necessarily.

Of course, it is key to offer children as many options as we can so that they enjoy their day to day with leisure possibilities that they do not know. For example, excursions, walks, sports, etc. That not everything is focused on doing nothing and spending the day in front of the TV or the mobile phone.

Distribution of responsibilities

In order for the holidays to be for everyone, it will be important that the children assume a part of responsibility adapted to their age. Just as they have them throughout the year, like going to school, doing their homework, taking care of their things, etc., during the break time it is also key that they collaborate.

In this case, you can make a small plan that specifies what each one would have to do. Tidy up your room, clean, help with household chores … Everything will depend on the possibilities and needs of the family.

Little girl picking up toys

Respect for limits

Last but not least, the specialist recommends that the limits be respected. That is, both parents and children will have to abide by the rules that have been imposed between all of them.

Although we can be somewhat more condescending on these dates, it is very necessary that we mark clear limits that parents and children respect at all times to avoid unnecessary problems. We hope that these keys help all families to enjoy school vacations with children in a fruitful, balanced and fun way. It is in everyone’s hands to be able to enjoy a well-deserved rest well earned by all.

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