Toxic Behaviors That You Should Not Tolerate

Toxic people drain energy and produce unconstructive emotional states. The good news is that we can take steps so they don’t have these effects on us. Do you want to know them?
Toxic behaviors that you should not tolerate

People throughout their lives need to relate to others. This interaction is essential to exchange points of view, find support, understand the reality of others and act with values.

However, along the way it is possible to meet someone who never brings good feelings. Those people are called toxic because they always have a negative attitude and are demotivating.

A toxic person drains energy from others, makes them feel tense, and sabotages moments of joy. In this way, they can affect the health of everyone around them, generating constant stress and anguish.

Many people come to accept these behaviors because they say that this is how they learned to be them and you have to learn to tolerate them. However, this only generates harmful consequences because the toxic individual does not demonstrate intentions for change and increasingly affects the emotions of others.

People who are insecure or who have had continuous emotional problems are the ones who consent to this way of acting the most. The reason is a certain fear of meeting a person from scratch and reattaching in the wrong way.

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In any case, under no circumstances should these behaviors be endured because they cause constant anxiety and sadness. For that reason, it is important to identify the behaviors that we detail below in time. The idea is always to avoid escalating the damage.

1. They rarely show empathy

Toxic people rarely put themselves in the shoes of others. Because of this, they despise points of view other than their own.

In addition, they always minimize the problems of others, believing and stating that they are not compelling reasons to feel bad. In this way, people who adopt his point of view feel even worse. Now, in addition, they think that they are weak and generators or contributors to their own suffering.

2. They are not very self-critical

Toxic people believe that they are never wrong and that others give them reasons to behave in a certain way. That way, they are never interested in giving an apology that makes others feel better.

In addition to this, at times they are able to say that the victim is making up the facts or that they do not know how to understand. Therefore, they make other people feel insecure.

3. They project themselves onto others to adopt the role of victims

A toxic person is not able to recognize when he is upset or upset. Due to this, it affirms that the other person is the culprit of the course of events for acting on the defensive, being ultimately responsible for the damage that the conflict is producing.

With this they get others to feel confused, and in many cases they end up accepting their way of acting.

4. Use intimidation to manipulate

Toxic people are capable of challenging others and making them nervous in order to control them. With these actions, they get everyone to do what they want and no one dares to oppose them.

Furthermore, when they recognize points of vulnerability in others, they do not hesitate to exploit them to place them in a situation of weakness. Thus, they can better use them for their purposes.

5. They show contempt

A person who with toxic behaviors says offensive words to others and is not interested in the consequences. This is because they are bothered by the achievements of others and they want others to also feed pessimism.

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How to neutralize toxic behaviors?

In the first place, to block toxic behaviors we must know and have control points so that no one can cross those limits that we consider red lines. In no relationship can respect be lost.

Second, it is important to understand that, as potential victims, we are not the ones to blame for triggering the conflict. A good self-esteem will help us in this regard.

Finally, if none of those actions work, it is advisable to  move away from the person to avoid emotional damage.

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