Power Or Not Power: Wings Or Limits

Many times we use the affirmation “I can’t” as an excuse not to face challenges. The reality is that the more you repeat it, the more your confidence decreases.
Power or not power: wings or limits

There is something essential that separates those who get it from those who don’t even try. And we are not talking about your ability, if not your confidence. Being able or not being able is, in a great part of the occasions, a question of attitude. Many times there is no real inability in us to carry out what is posed to us, the limit arises entirely from our mind.

The interesting thing is that our beliefs tend to be, sooner or later, embodied in reality. As a self-fulfilling prophecy, what you believe about yourself ends up taking you in the direction that confirms that idea. Therefore, before stating that you cannot achieve something, think about it.

Can not

“Can not”. Many people have these two words fully integrated into their daily vocabulary. Without giving it importance, they repeat them over and over again, using them as an excuse for numerous challenges. What they are not aware of is that our brain believes everything we tell it, and if we affirm over and over again that we are incapable, it will believe it.

Words I can't

In this way, this statement is undermining our security and confidence in ourselves every day. It becomes an automatic response and so integrated that we don’t even give ourselves a chance to try. The more you say “I can’t”, the more you convince yourself that this is so.

For example, a person is about to park a car for the first time on a busy street. His lack of security leads him to get nervous, get out of the vehicle and ask his companion to park in his place. Thus, due to avoidance, each time you are faced with a similar situation you will feel less capable and less inclined to try.

But the phenomenon goes much further. If one day you decide to pluck up your courage and give it a try, your internal dialogue will keep repeating that you can’t. In this way, anxiety will take over your body, preventing you from putting your skills into practice. The result will be disastrous and the belief will have been confirmed: he really couldn’t.

The reality is that, surely, I had the necessary resources to do so, but anxiety completely blocked them. The limitation, which came solely from his mind, ended up being embodied in reality.

Scared woman looking back on the road

I can and will do

On the other hand, the person who believes that he can, evidently will not have been born with the knowledge to carry out any feat. However, your confidence will allow you to practice and develop your resources, until you finally achieve what you have set out to do.

Continuing with the example of the car, faced with the challenge of parking for the first time, the person who trusts himself will face the situation calmly. Aware that it is normal to fail in the first attempts, but also sure that he is as capable as anyone else of achieving it.

You may need to perform a lot of maneuvers the first few times, but each attempt will make you feel more proud and confident. And in no time you will be able to park without complications. In this case, the belief is also fulfilled: it has finally been able, but only because it has been given the opportunity to try. 

Our beliefs can give us wings or put great limits on us. It is up to us to feed one type or another of thoughts. It is in our power to make our mind our best ally or our most severe judge. But we must be aware that the consequences derived from each choice are strikingly different.

Boy dressed as a superhero with a red mask and cape

Power or not power: a decision

If you’ve been sabotaging your chances and your attempts for a lifetime, it’s time to change your mind. Banish the words “I can’t” from your vocabulary and replace them with “I’m capable of doing it.”   Run away from perfectionism, mistakes are a fundamental part of the path to success. You have the right to try and fail as many times as necessary. Well, also, every time you face your fears (even if you do not achieve your goal) you will be gaining in confidence.

Each time it will be easier for you to take on challenges, each time you will have less fear of failure. As your confidence grows the fear will fade. Become your own personal trainer: trust your abilities and remind yourself at every moment that you are fully capable of achieving it. It is up to you to build the courage and confidence or to remain stuck in limitation.

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