10 Tips To Simplify Life And Have More Free Time

10 tips to simplify life and have more free time

Simplifying life has many benefits. If you think about it, many times our days go by in inconsequential or unrewarding activities. This should not happen. Our time is valuable and it is necessary to make the most of it.

We get so involved in our obligations that sometimes we forget those simple pleasures that we do not have access to due to lack of time. We live pending the clock and the occupations. We do not realize that perhaps a simpler life is the answer to our concerns.

To simplify life, it is enough to make greater use of our common sense. Save time where and dedicate it to what deserves it. To support you in that goal, we propose 10 solutions that could help you.

Woman drinking coffee

Tips to simplify life at home

There are a couple of tips that will save you some of the time spent cleaning the house. A large part of simplifying life has to do with not having to invest time, effort , or attention to carry out those domestic activities that sometimes absorb so much energy.

To keep the floor clean for longer, nothing better than avoiding dirtying it. And the best way not to do it is by leaving your shoes at the entrance. It is an ancient custom, which is still maintained in some places. The truth is that it is very practical. Additionally, walking barefoot or in stockings is extremely relaxing and contributes to the health of the feet.

The other tip is to always eat on a tray. It is very easy for crumbs or some remains of food to be flying around. It is always much easier to clean a tray than an area of ​​the house. This will simplify life at home.

A simpler lifestyle

It is important to revalue those lapses of life that we spend at home. If we live alone, because that is the space where we can focus again. If we live accompanied, because it is the territory of the encounter. Simplifying life is most effective when those times are valued at home.

The first way to do this is to disconnect, as much as possible, from all communication devices. This includes television, telephones, and computers. Better to set aside time to talk, to read or just to really rest.

Another useful tip to simplify life is to do a weekly evaluation to establish whether the work procedures are sufficiently functional or not. What activities should be suppressed or carried out in the shortest time? How can methods be optimized to make tasks more fluid?

Clear finances simplify life

Money is an issue that often steals our attention, our time, and our energy. Nothing better to simplify life than to always have clear accounts. This involves clarifying finances. The written monthly budget is not a luxury, but a necessity. Life becomes much more organized and calm when we know what we have and take control.

Likewise, it is essential to keep the payment of debts a priority. They are a subject that can lead to enormous emotional exhaustion. It is important to have an action plan to pay what we owe, hopefully in the short term.

Simplicity to preserve health

Unless your job demands demanding image management, you don’t have to be obsessed with going to the gym every day or with your appearance. Going for a run or a walk for half an hour costs you nothing and makes your life much more pleasant.

It is also convenient to learn a relaxation technique or become familiar with practices such as yoga. Instead of fighting insomnia or stress with pills or sheer stamina, these types of strategies and activities are a good alternative. More effective in the long term and more satisfying instantly.

Personal life can also be simpler

The best advice to simplify your personal life is to completely forget about changing other people and the world. Focus only on the changes you can make in yourself. Worry about setting the example, if you want everything to be better. Nothing, and no one, is going to change simply because you don’t like it.

Woman with her back turned at sunset

Also, it is important to make a withdrawal once a year. Go for a couple of days to a place away from everything that is usual for you. This oxygenates, relaxes and helps you detect what is wrong, what can be reinforced and what can be improved.

If you can simplify your life, you will gain a lot. The first thing, tranquility. When we achieve that internal stability, everything begins to become simpler and more viable. Life is one and it is better to be careful not to waste it on what is not worth it.

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