How To Train Your Brain To Be More Creative

How to train your brain to be more creative

Are you one of those who believes that being more creative is overrated or one of those who thinks that humanity needs great ideas? Are you one of those who let others have original ideas or those who believe that you can contribute something different to change your particular reality and that of those around you?

All people can train their brain to be more creative, although for this you have to believe that creativity is something really useful.

Creativity for the day to day

It is an inexorable truth that creative minds will always be highly valued.  On the other hand, creativity can also help us in our daily lives to solve small and large problems, as well as to propose ingenious solutions for issues that are not adequately solved in the “normal” way.

Actually, the question we ask here is not how to get the creative brain of Albert Einstein, but how to expand our creative capacities to be better and better.

Picture showing creativity

9 ideas and tips to be more creative

Many people believe that they cannot become creative people but they are wrong. We can all be more creative than we are and, by properly training our brain, we can be a little more ingenious every day.

Cultivating ideas is a process that we can practice to produce more and better ideas. Also, there are ways to help ideas flow more easily. That is part of the process.

Here are some ideas and tips to help you train your brain to be more creative.

Forget the result

The important thing is the process, not the result itself. Enjoying the process of shaping an idea will free your mind to come up with alternatives and to develop the idea more widely. The result is the consequence of the creative process, a process that must have your full attention to bear great fruit.

Ignore criticism

A creative person must make himself immune to criticism that is not constructive, both from others and from his own. Both criticism and self-criticism do not let you think clearly. Don’t waste energy on them. Be compassionate to yourself and have the courage to set yourself free to create. You will be wrong many times, but only by letting yourself flow will you achieve something.

just relax

Stress is one of the main enemies of creativity. A certain level of stress may be good to finish what you have to do, but when it comes to creating you need to be calm. Why do you think so many people have great ideas in the shower, when they go out for a walk, or when they do certain housework, like doing the dishes? Simply because your mind relaxes.

Register your ideas

It is one thing to have an idea and another to give it shape. Shaping an idea can take time, and sometimes the idea comes up at the most inconvenient time. If you write it down, you will achieve two things: the first, don’t forget it; the second, that it does not occupy your mind when you are immersed in another matter. Writing down the idea will take the pressure off you and serve as a trigger when you need it.


One of the activities that stimulates the brain the most is reading. Reading somehow enhances experiences. In addition, reading creates new neural connections in our brain – a process known as neuroplasticity.

Practice meditation

Meditation, to the extent that it helps us relax physically and mentally, also facilitates the creative process. What’s more, the type of meditation known as mindfulness or mindfulness trains us to focus on an idea and not disperse, a skill that is very useful during the creative process.

Hand of a person in meditation position

Live a healthy lifestyle

Alcohol, tobacco, drugs and a sedentary lifestyle, as well as junk food and poor diet are great enemies of the brain in general, and the creative brain in particular. Eliminating toxins from your body and exercising will increase your overall energy levels and enhance your creativity.

Dare to get out of your comfort zone

The problem that many people have is that they try to create new ideas without leaving their comfort zone, which limits their options. But great ideas do not understand the limits of “politically correct”, “tradition” or “comfort”, but often require courage and courage to look further.

Reframe the problem differently

Absolutely all the questions that arise around you can be posed in more than one way. In fact, sometimes the solution to the problem is not in finding a creative option, but in posing the problem in a creative and different way.

Having many ideas does not mean having many good ideas

Being more creative and having a lot of ideas does not imply that all ideas are really good, useful or valuable. A writer has to write a lot to achieve a really good work. The same thing happens to a painter, a sculptor or a composer. And that happens to all of us.

Agenda with ideas to be more creative

In reality, it is not the cleverest or the most creative who achieve great value creations and ideas, but the one who works the hardest on their ideas. It’s that easy. Maybe some need more work than others, but in the end only the one who is willing to fail a lot is the one who will achieve something really good.

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