Lying To Me Is Another Way Of Discovering A Truth

Lying to me is another way of discovering a truth

I cry from the rooftops that I want honesty and sincerity above all things. I ask the people around me and I feel safe when I know that they are telling me the truth about any topic that comes my way, even the most banal of them. Lying to me is useless …

What happens is that, sometimes, the one who lacks sincerity is me or, at least, I think so at first. What I am trying to explain, in other words, is that having believed myself to be honest when in reality I was not has been much more difficult for me than to accept someone else’s lie. 

I lied to myself because I thought it would be easier

I had always believed that people lied to me out of cowardice, because we all know that being honest is much more complicated. We also know that when it comes to saying or not saying anything, many factors come into play that can make up by lying.

However, experience has taught me that lying to others can perhaps be a cowardly act – understanding that it cannot be generalized -; But, lying to oneself is an act that exudes fear from every pore of our body.

Woman surrounded by leaves

Those who lie to themselves many times may have a problem of another nature, but those who lie to themselves at specific moments are probably hiding a truth that scares them and they do not know or do not want to know. In such situations I lied to myself because I believed it would be easier to move on.

The truth is from the heart and cannot be contradicted

I was wrong: you can’t go on that way because lies, in any case, lead us to dead ends, disappointments, suffering and breakdowns – with ourselves or with others.

In fact, I understood that I could hide whatever I wanted from my head and that she could move on by herself, but could never fully move forward. I couldn’t fool my heart: he couldn’t move forward if I didn’t listen to him. I couldn’t contradict him and by lying to me I was only denying his truth.

I realized then that in the heart-reason struggle when it came to myself, my heart would always win: lying to myself had made me see that I was not being sincere and that I had to be. Maybe I realized late, as it usually happens every time we feel this lost, but doing so allowed me to begin to be happy.

Look at yourself and look the truth in the face

To do it I had to dare to look inside myself, overcome all my monsters and face what I did not want to hear myself say out loud. Stop lying to me when I was more excited about anything than necessary, stop lying to me when I fell in love and did not want to do it, when I thought I had overcome something and in reality it was not like that …

As I have grown, I have learned something that I apply and advise myself whenever I can: that in this world so full of nostalgia and increasingly cold, looking after our happiness is a moral requirement.

Birds flying around a flower

I have to allow myself to be happy whenever I can because there are always reasons not to be. I always have to record myself that if I doubt what brings me well-being, if it doesn’t hurt anyone, I can never deny it.

I have to give myself that opportunity whenever possible: that lying to myself is always an option that does not lead to anything other than discovering the truth. What lies they tell us enough.

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