Leading Is Not Just Being In Command

Leading is not just being in command

How can we define what a leader is? Would it be something like a person who is in charge of an organization or would it be worth a person in charge of a work team? Are there a series of attributes that indicate that a person is a leader by possessing them?

From the workplace and organizations, some personal, behavioral and related characteristics have been specified in the position or position held in a company to identify a leader. Now, are leaders born or made?

If we understand leadership from personal attributes we could understand that the leader is born. It would be that person who knows how to guide and lead the group, organize, solve the problems that arise and who also approve of the rest of the people as such.

Department manager speaking with his team to represent team leadership

If we talk about a leader because of the position he occupies, we would have a leader who “becomes”, that is, who is molded over time and experiences, such as the high positions he occupies, the relationship he establishes with employees from it and how to coordinate and direct. In this case, personal characteristics would not be decisive, but only work characteristics.

On the other hand, when we refer to a leader by his behaviors, we could look at those aspects to which he pays attention with his actions. Does that person direct their behaviors for the production of your company or is they directed more towards social relationships within work? Thus, depending on the orientation of their behaviors, a leader could be identified depending on the needs that are demanded.

Characteristics of a good leader

Beyond all the comments, a good leader is a person with charisma, who inspires and who others want to follow. In this way, someone who is in command does not have to be a leader. Although there are personal traits that can facilitate being a leader, it must be taken into account that leading is a two-way concept that refers to the agent who influences and the people influenced ( katz and kahn ).

To lead, there must be someone who has both good characteristics to deal with people, such as the ability to empathize, good communication or know how to motivate, as well as good characteristics at a professional level. For example, knowing how to work in a group, having creativity to solve problems, clarify objectives and work in different lines towards them.

A person can be born with certain skills to guide others, but if he wants to lead adequately, he will have to strive to perfect them as well as to develop new ones that allow him to complete his leadership role. And of course, you cannot forget that leading requires the creation and maintenance of a good environment both by others and by yourself and that each person is free to choose who they want to be their leader. Hence, leadership should not be neglected, but earned every day.

People talking

Leading requires much more than exercising power

As we can see, being a good leader requires much more than the ability to lead and guide. Leading is influencing others, getting them to want to  do what you propose and to carry it out motivated. That they work at ease in their jobs and that they carry out their tasks being effective and efficient.

A leader is one who knows how to integrate all the attributes and make each of its members grow. He knows his work team well, he knows what strengths they have and which ones can be strengthened and also identifies when he needs to be tougher or when he has to relegate work to focus on employee relations.

Therefore, leading is not just commanding. It is to create the seed in a work team so that they feel motivated. Leading is motivating and proposing new points of view, it is taking risks and trusting those who have bet on you. Leading is exercising the singing voice but knowing that the one who makes you great is the one who supports you from below.

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