Building Our Emotional Intelligence

Building our Emotional Intelligence

This is indicated by a recently published article and some of its hypotheses are worth knowing. Training and leadership expert Dan Bobinski says in an article he published in the “Management Issues” that emotional intelligence can be learned, just like any college or school career or subject. Their research claims that the only difference (or the biggest) between outstanding and average leaders is how they know how to use their intelligence related to emotions.

It is possible, in his opinion, not only to learn, but also to know, exalt and even control what happens to us to take advantage of it in various areas, such as business, but also in the couple, with the children, the family, the environment, etc. .

Emotional intelligence is a capacity that some people have (who have already learned the subject) to be able to perceive, understand and control what they themselves and others feel, to take advantage of it. This does not mean that they are bad people, but that they have a “plus” that others do not and take advantage of it.

The levels of emotional intelligence can lead to a successful business or a failure, a good marital relationship or a divorce, an excellent training of children or adults who had no limits during childhood, etc. Those who occupy the highest positions in the best companies in the world, have, among other characteristics, a good control of their emotional intelligence (and knowledge about what those around them feel).

Although there are many concepts that encompass emotional intelligence, many of them complex and worth analyzing in detail, there are also things that “normal human beings” can use to improve it.

Keys to understanding emotional intelligence

When we think of different personalities, the “good guys” and the “bad guys” need to be ruled out from our analysis. There are simply people who differ from each other.

People often associate the word “different” with “difficult”, but this is not true. What is complicated is such only when we are not able to do it, regardless of whether it is different or not.

People have strengths and also weaknesses. Also, it is good to remember that each virtue has an associated defect and vice versa. Choose which of the two extremes or opposite poles you want to take to work and improve.

Each and every one of the personality styles can add to the strength of a work team (it can also be the family or the couple, whatever involves more than one person) . It is necessary to be focused on what is done well and not on mistakes. Keep in mind that “who focuses on strengths will get stronger and who pays attention to weaknesses will become weaker.”

The constant effort to seek and find the virtues in the other has its fruits. It’s like harvesting after good planting planning. Try to always get the strength of the other and of yourself.

If everyone is expected to be in the same position and ground, doing the same things, success will never be achieved. Each person is unique and unrepeatable in the world, therefore, it is not worth it for two colleagues or colleagues to do the same task in unison, unless it is required to do so. When many get into a single activity, the others are “vacant.”

Know what success and profit means to others. The proper definition is not always shared. This will make it easier to achieve group goals, without neglecting your own.

If you only work towards personal goals and all the effort is above the mission or vision of the team, there will be many divisions and weaknesses that will not allow you to maximize results.

Effectiveness is related to doing the right thing. Efficiency, to do it fast. Remember what each concept means. The best results are achieved when you take the time to get it right.

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