I Am Already That Person Who Knows Where He Is Going And Where He Should Not Return

Life is a constant journey of self-recognition in which you always go through dark stages. When that state of knowing what you want and what you don’t want is reached, many can breathe easy to begin moving toward personal success.
I am already that person who knows where he is going and where he should not return

All of us have an emptiness in our hearts, a hidden place to which we return in our minds but to which we would never return in person. There are places, settings, people and things that are anchored in our past and that build who we are. It is the experience of the acts lived, of the lost loves, of the frustrations, the disappointments and contained happiness that will never return.

How many times have you felt lost throughout your existence? Actually, this disorientation is something that we are going to experience for a long time, because nothing in this world is safe, because that feeling of inner loss also forces us to keep moving forward, to keep learning.

What really matters is knowing where you shouldn’t go back. Sometimes distance is the only answer to our unhappiness, and every step we take in the opposite direction is a stepping stone to our personal growth. However, to achieve this we need a lot of courage …

I am already that person who knows where he is going

woman at crossroads returning

Knowing where we are going is not having a fixed destination. We are talking about purposes, projects and above all self-knowledge. To know what we deserve and what we are not willing to experience again, to know how to set limits for our personal growth.

If we stop for a few moments to reflect on the question of whether or not we know where we are going, the reality is that we could not give a sure answer. Who knows what awaits us tomorrow? We know what we have here and now, but tomorrow is nothing more than the water that escapes through our hands.

  • A person knows where he is going when he feels confident, and experience has taught him the importance of being courageous and patient. Everything comes to those who wait.
  • A person knows where he is going when he trusts. when you have an open mind and know how to intuit reality.
  • A person knows where he is going when what he deserves is offered and what he needs is allowed.
  • You know where you are going when you stop believing that life must be perfect to be wonderful.
  • A person knows where he is going when he discovers what it is when he realizes what he is capable of doing.

These discoveries are not made overnight. It is a course, a path to travel throughout that interval called life where we must always go in one direction: forward, leaving behind those places, spaces and people to which we should not return.

Places of no return, hearts to not return to

woman in red climbing a ladder


If you don’t let go of the past, with what hand will you grab the future? Indeed, sometimes it is necessary to look back and put a sufficiently wide distance from those who hurt us, from that experience that made us change or from that place that returns us to a past that no longer identifies us.

However, we are aware that it is not easy to take the step and tell ourselves that we are not going to return. The act of leaving, of abandoning putting distance with something or someone supposes, above all, breaking a bond, be it family, affective or friendship. Be that as it may, there is always a kind of emotional pain.

  • Letting someone or something go is distancing ourselves not only from that person, but from that identity that we had formed with that specific being.
  • The act of leaving implies in turn having to get in touch with ourselves again to heal that wound, to reinvent ourselves and, in turn, move forward. Growing up.
man sitting on a ladder
  • When a bond is broken and a wound heals, it involves not only learning, but also an inner change. Leaving something is losing, but sometimes that loss can also be seen as a gain, as personal growth.

Image courtesy Azisa Noor

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