Six Ideas To Live To The Fullest

To live to the fullest you have to commit to your own happiness. Stopping simply surviving to start getting involved with life.
Six ideas to live to the fullest

We often find ourselves so mired in routine, so preoccupied with meeting expectations and obligations that we forget our true purpose: to be happy. It is your right, and at the same time your duty, to provide yourself with a meaningful existence. Live to the fullest, not just survive.

For each person this statement has a different meaning, and the path to follow to achieve it is also different. However, today we present six ideas to help you get closer to your highest potential. Read them calmly, taste them, understand them and start applying them in your day to day. Write them down, and when your strength falters, reread that paper and start over. You deserve to be happy.

Six ideas to live to the fullest

1. If you have you, you have everything

Too often we suffer because we don’t get the treatment or recognition we want from others. We long for more friends, a better job, or a more committed relationship. We feel frustration and disappointment in the face of external events and other people’s behavior, without realizing that we have to look back at ourselves.

Many times the emptiness you feel does not reflect more absence than your own. You need to love yourself, approve, recognize and support you. You have to become your own emotional center. Complete you in such a way that you don’t need to beg for love on the outside. Not everything will always go as you would like, not everyone will be nice to you. But no pain is comparable to the lack of self. So stay by your side always. If you have you, you have everything.

2. If you are afraid, do it with fear

Fear is a basic and necessary emotion, which fulfills the function of keeping us safe. However, when it becomes excessive and disproportionate it can paralyze us and deprive us of our freedom. If fear keeps you from your dreams, if it prevents you from becoming who you want to be, face it.

This emotion feeds on our immobility. That is why I invite you to starve her to death: act, and if you are afraid, do it with fear. Every time you face your fears they lose power and you gain it. You begin to see that they were not as scary as they seemed and that you are much more capable than you thought.

3. You can always decide, choose to live to the fullest

One of the most unhappy aspects of human beings is the feeling of not having control over our own life. When unpleasant events occur we feel helpless against the ups and downs of life, and this leads to pessimism and hopelessness.

For this reason, remember that, although you cannot control what happens, you can always decide what attitude to take about it. This is a power that no one can take away from you. Only you decide how to interpret the reality you live, and your state of mind will depend on your interpretation. So he chooses to be flexible, calm, and optimistic. Always choose the thoughts that bring you peace.

4. Everything is temporary

When you go through periods of difficulty, always remember that everything is temporary. The sadness will not stay to live in you, the pain will not be eternal. The storm will end and the sun will shine again. Do not panic and allow yourself to flow with those emotions that are the ones that now correspond. Do not wear yourself out fighting against the current, float, rest, accept and remember that everything will pass.

5. Be grateful, to live to the fullest

When you complain, you put your focus on everything that is not working in your life. Therefore, you begin to perceive it as a gray, lacking and unfair place. And you settle into negativity and apathy. On the contrary, when you give thanks, you direct your energy towards everything that does work in your life and you feel lucky. The mind is programmed to find more of what it focuses on in the environment. Get used to thanking every day and you will find more and more reasons to do so. 

6. Here and now, everything is fine

Lastly, remember the importance of living in the present. If the pain of the past distresses you and the fear of the future overwhelms you, anchor yourself to the present moment. Pay attention to your breath, observe the colors and aromas of the environment, enjoy the presence of those around you. Don’t let your mind wander, here and now, everything is fine.

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