Exercising Outside Helps Heal A Broken Heart

Exercising outside helps heal a broken heart

The searing pain of a failed relationship is one of the greatest hurts we can experience. Feeling that we find ourselves with a broken heart in a bottomless pit quenches our strength and prevents us from seeing further.

A great way to recover from the emptiness of a breakup and help your heart heal is to exercise, especially outdoors. The reason is that  this allows us to release all the accumulated tension in the body and also bombards the brain with endorphins, the neurotransmitters responsible for making us feel good and reducing painful sensations, both physical and emotional. Let’s take a closer look at it.

The mind-body connection

When we experience a sentimental break, emotional pain invades us, in turn causing physical reactions in our body. In fact, several studies affirm that the area of ​​the brain that is activated when we are physically injured is the same as when we experience a love rejection or the loss of someone we love.

Woman touching her heart

From this it follows that all the sensations and emotions of our mind affect our body and in the same way, stress and physical fatigue affect our mind.

Body and mind are connected, work together and affect each other no matter how much we want to deny it. Thus, the effectiveness of physical exercise to heal a broken heart derives from this deep connection. Therefore, when we take care of our mind we are taking care of our body and vice versa, when we take care of our body we are also taking care of our mind.

However, exercising outside is much more advisable when dealing with a broken heart than any other type of activity. The simple fact of taking a walk in nature carries a series of additional benefits that cannot be found in any other way.

Exercise in the open air attenuates anger and restores hope

As we have said, the exercise helps us in the arduous task of sewing the parts of a heart broken by a break and much more if it is outdoors, in the middle of nature, providing us with great lessons.

When we face the effort that a race, a walk or any other exercise in the natural environment entails , we immediately regain consciousness of our true place in the world. We are insignificant and powerful at the same time, we are pure vital energy.

Every bump, every stone, every jump we overcome, every goal we reach and every challenge we achieve are a conquest that relieves our anger, thanks to the segregation of endorphins,  and that little by little puts it aside to give way to the hope. In this way, we renew ourselves from the inside, we clean our wounds and, over time, we recover the consciousness of our being and, ultimately, of our essence.

Exercise is an example that perseverance and effort are worth it to improve and rebuild ourselves.

Girl exercising to heal her broken heart

Nature helps us broaden our perspective

Not only will exercising outdoors decrease our anger, but it will also help us gain perspective on our life and solve our problems and difficulties. Encountering nature and stopping to observe its beauty calms us and makes us broaden our perspective.

Thanks to the observation of the simplest and most everyday scenes, the most common elements and the harmony that it exudes despite its great immensity, we can come to understand things that perhaps we had never considered.

Everything that our five senses collect from nature can lead us to a meditative state through which we will be able to clear the mind, reduce anxiety and, as we have seen, calm anger. Exercising in nature can become our haven of peace. Its simplicity and magnanimity, its transcendence and its “ephemerality”, its cycles… all this helps us to broaden our understanding of things and to differentiate the important from the accessory.

meditation in nature

Nature helps to forgive

Last but not least, exercising in the middle of nature predisposes us to heal our resentment for everything we have experienced. The state of well-being originated by exercise together with the wonderful power of tranquility that nature transmits to us helps us find a new hope and, together with it, the ability to forgive. Because forgiveness requires hope and believing that there is a better place away from the painful emptiness experienced after the breakup.

How we see doing physical exercise outdoors clears our mind, alleviates emotional pain and empowers us to be able to continue. Because even if our hearts break we can always look for the best way to sew it, exercise and nature being one of the best combinations for it.

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