The Annoying Verbiage: People Who Never Shut Up

A person who talks non-stop is either in a state of pathological agitation or is prey to limitless egocentricity. In both cases, verbiage is a symptom of the inability to communicate with others.
The annoying verbiage: people who never shut up

Something goes from being talkative to having frequent bouts of verbiage. There is nothing wrong that some people like to talk, but the truth is that sometimes they go overboard. They talk so much that if they sewed their mouths, letters would come out of their ears. They cannot keep silent, to the point that they end up talking to the television if they cannot find an interlocutor.

This behavior is sometimes very overwhelming for others. They try to have a conversation with them, but they give up soon after. There is no way they will stop. They generally choose their “victims” wisely. These are usually quiet and affable people, who would not dare to ask them to be quiet or leave them alone in full attack of verbiage. That is why they suffer them selflessly.

Another point that defines these lovers of verbiage is the topic of conversation . This almost always has a defined axis: themselves. Those around them have to endure a detailed exposition of their opinions, experiences, appreciations, plans, memories and everything, absolutely everything that revolves around them. This ultimately ends up exhausting anyone. So why can’t they shut up?

They know everything … and more

Verbiage attacks are very common in those who have a trait that goes hand in hand: they know everything and more. At least that’s what they think. There is no issue they have not ventured into or area in which they do not have an opinion to share. Everything that has happened in the world has already happened to them or is about to happen to them.

Although they do not have studies in a subject and have read little about it, they have no problem teaching. Now that if they know the subject and have a related title, the matter looks even worse. They are like a traveling seminary, pontificating and offering miniscule data that no one is asking. They can be a real nightmare.

These types of people adore weird words and flowery speeches. Somehow it is as if they feel that the whole world is a great audience that is waiting for what they are going to share. They do not believe that they have something to learn from others. On the other hand, its underlying intention is to teach. Basically, they want to be the center of attention and show off.

girl with verbiage

The unenlightened verbiage

Verbiage is also an evil of those who do not try to project an enlightened image. There are also those who do not want to teach on all kinds of subjects, but need to inform others about their entire life or that of others. They put an excessive emphasis on any daily event and narrate it detailing even the smallest aspect, as if it had a transcendental importance.

There are also those who assume that you are asking them for an opinion or advice all the time. As soon as you manage to make a comment about some aspect of your life, and immediately they fall apart in appraisals, diagnoses and conjectures about what happens in your life, what you should do, the causes, the consequences and everything that comes to mind. The same happens with those who decide to complain non-stop.

The problem is that once you fall into their network of words, inertia will make you tend to stay in that place. The other option is to go through the unpleasant situation of asking them to shut up. They will hardly choose listening moments for themselves.

man with verbiage and loudspeaker

What to do with a verbose?

A person who makes verbiage his style of communication with others could have a psychological disorder, or simply an unlimited egocentricity. The latter cannot be classified as a disorder in itself, but it is definitely not a sign of mental health either.

There are some states of mania, anxiety or agitation that lead to talking, talking and talking. Relentless speech is a way of expressing that anguish. Their restlessness prevents them from shutting up and / or listening. His way of speaking is compulsive, and often disorderly. They can move from one topic to another without any connection. In those cases, listening to them can help. Perhaps following your speech with comments can be an attitude that helps you calm down.

In the case of the egocentric, which is the most frequent, what happens is that the person has not developed the psychological tools to establish a two-way communication. His is a monologue and the others a container. An audience. In those cases, it is best not to lend yourself to be part of their narcissistic game.

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