Stuttering, A Misunderstood Phenomenon

Stuttering, a misunderstood phenomenon

Stuttering is defined as a significant alteration in the fluency of speech. Its main characteristic is that the affected person repeats syllables, words or phrases, involuntarily. That causes your oral message to be systematically interrupted.

Stuttering is a source of anguish and suffering for those who suffer from it. This problem has nothing to do with physical deficiencies. The speech apparatus works normally. However, it is impossible for the person who stutters to control the way they speak. The factors that lead to this are psychological and possibly genetic.

The first signs of stuttering often appear in childhood . However, you have to be very careful with this. It is normal that at certain ages there are repetitions in the language, without this meaning that the child is stuttering. Hence the importance of learning to accurately identify the characteristics of this problem.

Stuttering and physiological stammering

Between four and five years of age, children go through a stage of language development that has been called physiological staccato. During this phase, repetitions of syllables, words or phrases are appreciated in the child. Also doubts in his speech and lapses of silence, in which he seems not to find how to say what he wants.

Child talking

This is perfectly normal. It happens that at that age thought is more developed than language. In other words, there are more ideas and content in the mind, than linguistic resources to express it. This is what leads to repetitions and doubts.

It is very important to let the child live this stage as something normal. When parents are excessively harsh and punish or censure the child for speaking like this, they can leave an indelible mark. In fact, it is one of the origins of chronic stuttering. That is, a lack of fluency in speech that persists, even into advanced ages.

The characteristics of stuttering

Science does not have a strong answer to the causes of stuttering. What is known is that it affects men four times more than women and that it usually manifests between the ages of 3 and 6. It is also possible that it occurs in adulthood, after having had normal speech.

Stuttering can be mild or severe. It is also called episodic or chronic. In mild or episodic stuttering, speech fluency is only lost in certain situations. Particularly when there are stressors, or the person is very distressed. In severe or chronic stuttering, the problem is basically constant.

The different types of stuttering have been classified as follows, according to their characteristics :

  • Clonic stuttering. Involuntary repetition of syllables or words.
  • Tonic stuttering. Spasms appear that block or paralyze the emission of sounds. It is almost always accompanied by movements of the head, hands or feet.
  • Mixed stuttering. Combine features of the previous two. It is the most frequent.

Identification and treatment

It is important that medical personnel make the diagnosis of stuttering. The simple observation or deduction of someone not specialized can lead to errors. Likewise, there are circumstances in which it is a temporary phenomenon.

In general, the diagnosis of stuttering is made when there are these features :

  • Frequent repetition of syllables, words or phrases after 5 years.
  • Excessive gesticulation when speaking.
  • There are head shakes when speaking.
  • The child or adult is ashamed to speak. That is why they begin to become silent and avoid social situations.
  • The affected person perceives that it is difficult for them to communicate and experiences suffering for it.
Girl with speech therapist

As in almost all cases, early detection of the problem significantly improves the chances of successful treatment. It is easier to correct stuttering when it starts than when it has been around for years. In any case, there is still no specific effective treatment to overcome this problem.

The usual thing is that an interdisciplinary treatment is done, directed by the psychology staff. It is important to give trust and affection to someone who suffers from stuttering. If it is a child, it should not be corrected or required to speak “normally”. Pressure only worsens flow difficulties. It is a problem that can be overcome, with perseverance, effort and love.

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