The Power Of Affection

The power of affection

Don’t give me pills for anxiety or depression… Don’t give me the latest antidepressant on the market. Treat me with affection, you will be my doctor, the doctor of my soul. Give me a hug , a kiss or a word but only if it is from the heart … substitutes are not worth it …

You say that you are my friend but I never find you neither in your words, nor in your absent gaze. And he who has never boasted of being one, nevertheless I have found it in his sweet words and in his clean gaze ”.

Affection is undoubtedly one of the best medicines

Have you ever felt that you entered a medical consultation and that you came out worse than you entered? Or on the contrary, did you not leave a medical consultation thinking that you were already cured? And it all depended to a great extent on the attitude of the attending physician.

It was all thanks to touch, to humanity and to the affection that that doctor showed you in one of the situations in which one feels most vulnerable, illness. Undoubtedly, the cure of the disease is not achieved only with treatments or pills, affection is undoubtedly a good companion.

But not only doctors, we can all act as doctors of the soul and also of the body towards others, with our attitude. In fact, it has been shown that positive emotions relax, produce well-being, slow down blood pressure, keep our stomach and our defenses ready, and all this is reflected in our health.

Happy mother and daughter

On the contrary, negative emotions translate into intestinal pain, migraines, anxiety, insomnia and, ultimately, a weakened immune system … For this reason, without a doubt, one of the best medicines is affection together with positive emotions.

A long hug, a nice compliment, an “count on me” said sincerely, they help your soul and your body. The Romans already said it ” Mens sana in corpore sana “. If they help us a little bit and we help too, we can make this phrase come true when we need it most.

But where can I find affection?

Affection is neither bought nor sold. We cannot demand that others give us doses of affection that they do not feel, nor can we give ourselves if it does not really come from the depths of our interior. But we all have the capacity to give affection by cultivating empathy and altruism.

Your intuition, a powerful weapon that helps us find a thousand solutions, will also help you to perceive where you can find affection. In any case, we offer you some little tips to discover affection wherever you go.

1. Surround yourself with people who appreciate you

Surround yourself with people who you know really appreciate you. That they know how to listen to you and that they understand you. Laugh together. Laughter is a powerful medicine that also unites us in bad times.

2. Make friends with the children

If you empathize, children offer you affection and love in a pure, sincere and altruistic way. Many times, invisible ties are established with children loaded with large doses of love and empathy.

3. Get closer to the elderly


The elderly are wells of wisdom. They speak to you from experience and if you look at them, within them there is a kind of grandparent for all of us.   If you chat with them, you will feel like they welcome you as another of their grandchildren.

Woman with her grandfather

Talk to those special elders who are close to us and who are willing to help us. They will also feel useful and you will also help them by making them understand that you feel very good by their side.

4. Reach out to positive people

Good neighbors and friends. Talk to good people, exchange a few words, say “ hello, how are you? Whoever you know you can with will help you. It is not good to be isolated so long.

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