12 Needs That Are The Cause Of Our Soul Voids

12 needs that are the cause of our emptiness of the soul

Day by day we feel needs that cause us anxiety, discomfort and that make us childish. We feel empty in the soul when we fail to be important, they do not agree with us or when we feel victims of what happens in our life.

We are going to analyze each of these needs, which according to the psychologist and writer Bernabé Tierno, are the cause of our emptiness in the soul and can lead to anxiety and stress if we do not control them properly.

Need to be important at any cost

The need to be important occurs as a result of a lack of self-esteem. An irrepressible desire is born to be important to compensate for the emptiness of the soul that we feel, when what really happens is that we do not love ourselves enough.

Who feels this need, will try to like everyone and will not hesitate to lie to achieve it. A person who needs to be important, will make up his life so that everyone will adore him, and to reach his minute of glory. However, a moderate desire to be considered and valued is normal and healthy, the problem occurs when that desire becomes unstoppable.

Need to always be right

It is the wish that everyone always agrees with what we say or think. People who suffer from this need, argue heatedly in the event that someone does not agree with them, because if they are not right or we do not agree, they feel naked and unprotected.

Need to love and be loved

Hand with a heart

There is no doubt about the need for love as the force of life, as a spontaneous and pure feeling that arises without our realizing it. The emotional component of love makes it possible for it to arise or disappear without our being aware of it.

It is incoherent for someone to prohibit love or demand to be loved, because love is not controlled, it just arises. A person who feels the need to love and be loved is generally a person who does not love himself.

Need to vent anger

Anger and outrage in certain situations are human. We have all been angry at some time in our life or have felt indignation for some injustice. But anger is not justified when it is used as a cover for our failures or bad actions. In this case the indignation or anger no longer has a noble purpose, but only the goal of feeding our ego.

Need to worry about everything

There are very negative people, who only see the bad, who seem to only see misfortunes and who will never say anything positive. They are people who spread concern and also maintain that we never worry enough. It is not possible to reason with a person who thinks like that because it is like talking to a wall and they will end up infecting you with their negativity.

Need to blame others

Children sometimes, when they make a mistake, seek to blame another child, but this behavior should be avoided by praising the courage and honesty of those who tell the truth despite the consequences. It is necessary to learn that even if the behavior has been bad, it is noble to acknowledge the mistake and repent.

Need to feel superior to others

Love towards ourselves is healthy and normal, it must mature with age, and it will be accompanied by empathy and concern for others. But when that love is excessive, we become selfish and proud beings who only seek self-satisfaction.

Need to feel victimized and seek compassion

The real victims feel outraged by a specific abuser, with names and surnames and never seek to feel the center of attention, on the contrary, they feel ashamed and afraid of the situation. But there are people who have never suffered any abuse and play the role of victims, to be the center of attention.

Sad woman crouching


Need for others to take responsibility

There are active people who work, take responsibility and achieve goals; and there are passive people who do not know or do not answer, they are never there for anyone and they want us to assume any responsibility. This is due to the fear that these passive people have of showing themselves as they are, because in reality they feel inferior. The solution is action, do what you fear first.

Need to find fault

People who tirelessly seek the defects of others, who do not stop looking for them and blaming them, paradoxically cannot bear a single criticism. The hypercritical person is not capable of assuming his defects and that is why he dedicates himself to criticizing others, instead of criticizing himself.

Need to have things

The need to have many things, to buy things that we do not need, is produced by our desire to cover our voids in our soul with all those things. Paradoxically, the greater the need to treasure things, the greater in our emptiness. In this case, it is necessary to be aware of our error and seek wealth in our intellect, in our spirit and in our feelings.

Girl surrounded by butterflies

Need for everything to be perfect and wonderful

This need is, perhaps, the most dangerous of all, because it directly generates anxiety, stress, low self-esteem … A perfectionist tirelessly seeks success and nothing seems enough. Dissatisfaction produces stress and exhaustion. To avoid this behavior, it is essential to be aware of who we are and to value our defects and virtues.

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