Passion: Seasoning Of Life

Passion: seasoning of life

Passion is a very intense feeling, which involves the desire and enthusiasm for something. It reflects a particular interest in a cause, idea, activity, person or object. We say that someone is passionate about something when they establish a very strong affinity relationship with that something. There are passions that enhance the human condition and constitute the spice that leads us to materialize the greatest achievements.

Passion is a reality that defines us, that is, it expresses a significant feature of our identity, of our personality. It is important to distinguish between a passion and a hobby, since they are terms that tend to be homologated. For example, it is one thing to be a “trumpeter”, which constitutes a “passion” and another thing is to “play the trumpet”, which could be taken simply as a “hobby”.

Activities that carry true passion require enormous amounts of time and energy. They are authentic convictions, against which we are never completely satisfied. Gathering information, getting involved in different areas or hours and hours of practice allow us to channel our passions along the path of excellence.

Types of passion

There are different types of passion depending on the cause that motivates them. This is how some can be positive or harmonic and others negative or obsessive. Positive passions are characterized by being free choice. They are pleasant, they leave time for other activities and they do not intend to overshadow someone, nor to satisfy the desires of another, to the detriment of their own.

hands blowing glitter

The second modality, that is, negative passions, are fundamentally distinguished by being unmanageable for the people who “suffer” from them. We do not control them, on the contrary, they control us. They seek to satisfy the desires of others, generate feelings of guilt, loss of self-esteem and anxiety. Therefore, they are very self-destructive and require counseling and psychological treatment in most cases.

In some situations, positive passion may disappear through interference from others. For example, when parents seek to develop or strengthen their children’s talents. Although well intentioned, they are constantly reminded to assume the responsibilities acquired with their favorite sporting or artistic endeavor. Thus they generate a gradual loss of interest in said activity. Remember that passion is free practice and choice.

On the other hand, there are customs that lead to putting aside the commitments acquired to dedicate most of the time to activities that contribute little. This is the case of video games, social networks or the advances of the favorite soccer team. These types of hobbies can be adverse in the quality of life. That is why we must remain vigilant to guide and channel the time and energy willing, in activities that really contribute something positive.

girl dancing with passion

Keys to living with passion

When we are passionate about something, we don’t mind spending a lot of time and effort on it. On the contrary, dedication to what we love is rewarding and pays off. For this reason, it is important to discover what we have affinity with, what arouses a special interest in us. That which enlightens our hearts, which no matter how much time it demands of us, we never tire of doing it.

To fuel passion in our lives, it is vitally important to inquire within ourselves and find what shakes our soul. It is not enough that we find it entertaining, it must be something that really moves us. Then we must ask ourselves where we want to go on that terrain; thus we will find sufficient motivation to deploy our energy.

girl playing piano

A strategy that does not fail is to start from what we are skilled at. This is essential when undertaking any project. Focusing on it not only broadens our horizon, but also brings us closer to those with similar interests. This will create a scenario in which there is a great chance of success.

To keep in mind

Conformity is the main enemy of our passions. For this reason, it is better to assume a humble attitude, but at the same time ambitious and take the example of the great men who have put themselves fully at stake for their ideals. We cannot limit our dreams, many passions disappear when our fears surface. Therefore we must be tenacious and take risks.

It is imperative to remove all that is negative from us. Recover the dreamy and curious attitude that we had as children and remove all mental limitations that put limits to what we want to achieve. We cannot continue wasting our time and energy on things that do not correspond to what truly shakes us in life.

couple kissing with passion

Few things are as inspiring as sharing our passion with others. It allows us to reconnect with our interior and give the best of ourselves. But not only that, it is possible that we can awaken the passion that slumbers in others. Our recipients are even likely to become new stimulators of passion in others.

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