Learn To Enjoy The Present, It Will Be What Accompanies You For The Rest Of Your Life

Learn to enjoy the present, it will be what accompanies you for the rest of your life

The key to happiness seems to be related to using all our senses and paying attention to the information that comes to us through them : developing a present and full consciousness. Numerous studies of positive psychology have shown that psychological well-being is fed by the ability to focus our mind on what is happening at the specific moment in which you are.

Living in the present moment requires a constant and progressive work of our mind, a mind that has not been trained naturally tends to dispersion. We live for the next thing that is going to happen to us, and this leads to numerous emotional imbalances.

People are fragile when we do not stop asking ourselves questions about the past and the future, and we are strong when we fearlessly experience our daily lives.  The past and the future only exist in our thoughts, therefore, what is truly real is in the present.

Living according to the present modifies our brain

Dr. Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist at Thomas Jefferson University, and Mark Robert Waldman, a communications expert, suggest that living life focused on the present can change our brains.  The present word has the power to influence the regulation of physical and emotional tension.

Young woman with eyes closed

When we focus only on present tasks,  we can change the way our brain works. By approaching life in this way we would be enhancing cognitive reasoning, which contributes to the strengthening of the areas of our frontal lobes.

Using positive words focused on what we are doing  activates the brain’s motivation centers, leading them to action . At the opposite extreme, when we use words reminding us of the past or anticipating what we are going to do, certain neurochemicals, such as cortisol, contribute to the management of stress and anxiety.

Human beings are initially programmed to worry. It is part of our primitive brain that protects us from dangerous situations. In fact, what 10,000 years ago was essential for our survival, currently suffers from an overuse that only generates anguish in the face of what in reality we still cannot act, because it does not yet exist and there is a probability that it will not arrive. to never exist.

Happiness can only be experienced in the present moment

We can imagine that one day we will be happy or remember periods in which we were, but  the truth is that we can only be so in the moment that we are living.  This does not mean that we do not have to set goals or organize our lives, but that doing so should not transform us into porcastinadores when it comes to immersing ourselves in the reality that surrounds us, either to enjoy it or to transform it.

Accepting things as they are, without judging them and focusing them in our mind in the present moment, is a way to control the wandering thoughts that take us away from full consciousness. If we can’t prevent them from arising, at least we have to let them pass when they appear, without holding on to them.

Remembering the negative circumstances of the past diminishes our enthusiasm, our optimism and, therefore, the present moment soures us, limiting our potential and dispersing our energy. Even the memories of positive circumstances, if they are recurrent, affect the joy of the present moment, since they carry a feeling of nostalgia, that idea that any time in the past was better.

The present is the only place where we can act on reality, where our days are realities and where we find opportunities. The first step to connect to it is to control acts as present and as natural as breathing. Only with this act of consciousness will our senses open.

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