Eight Habits To Be A Happy Couple

Eight habits to be a happy couple

Couples that can be called “happy” are those who maintain a certain amount of habits, attitudes and customs to promote health, well-being and love.

A recent study offers us what are the actions that we must respect if we want to feel really good with our “other half”. We offer them below:

1 – Go to bed at the same time

This means going to bed together. According to a consultant (the person in charge of the investigation), the happiest couples are those who resist the temptation to go to bed at different times.

This also applies if you both do different activities or even if you don’t get up at the same time in the morning. When you lie down “in unison”, certain stimuli are generated in the body that allow you to rest better.

2 – Cultivate common interests

It is true that you cannot do everything with your partner because independent spaces are important, however, it is good to have several activities in common. When passion lowers the levels, it is because less and less things are done in company. Each one is in “his world”.

Couple dancing

Choose some chores to do in pairs, such as gardening, going for a walk, going to the movies, enjoying cooking, shopping, etc. So that the relationship does not become so dependent, it is also vital to keep other activities separate.

3 – Walk hand in hand

When they go for a walk, to the market, to a party, etc. Instead of one being a little further behind because of slower walking or being separated, it is recommended to walk comfortably hand in hand, to balance heart rates, pace, etc. If you want to stop to look at something, you both have to stop walking. Thus, the sense of “being accompanied” will not be lost.

4 – Trust and forgive

Disagreements, arguments, fights, misunderstandings, anger, or not reaching a solution make couples wear themselves out. If you do not want this to happen, it is best to find a way to forgive, to reach an agreement, to trust again, etc.

Instead of holding a grudge, it is better to leave that space to hold love. In this way, the relationship will remain healthy for longer. Forgiving allows us to break free and move on.

5 – Focus on what the other does well

Instead of looking for what the couple is wrong (there will undoubtedly be several things), emphasize their virtues. If you start looking for mistakes, not only will you find, but you will also find fights.

If you seek the good, you will have a huge treasure before you. Happy couples always accentuate the positive. This does not mean leaving aside the negative or directly dismissing it, however, it is necessary to balance the scale, and make constructive criticism only for the good of the person and the relationship.

6 – Hugging when you meet again

After a tiring day at work, nothing better than a soothing hug. The same can happen after a fight in which each one is “in a different galaxy.”

A hug under the tree

The skin has a memory of what happens, be it a good caress, a kiss, a hug, a blow, etc. In turn, it is proven that hugs help reduce stress, regulate breathing and heartbeat, feel protected and loved, forget about problems, etc.

7 – Say “I love you” and “good morning” every morning

Patience, tolerance, affection and relationship are cultivated with these two simple phrases, which encompass many feelings. The day will begin without problem, in peace, leaving aside the annoyances, difficulties or anger, etc. Furthermore, it is a “promise” and a renewal of vows over and over again.

It never hurts to say what you feel, because it does good to the body and the mind. Wishing a sincere good day shows what the other means.

8 – Say good night before going to sleep

Regardless of how each one feels, how tired or angry they are, a “good night” is a kind of closing for that day, it is a white flag that appeases, it is a wish that the other is well. In addition, it indicates to the partner that regardless of anger or feelings, there is something greater, that is, rest.

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