Alejandro Sanz Stops His Concert To Protect An Abused Woman

Alejandro Sanz stops his concert to protect an abused woman

The well-known Spanish singer Alejandro Sanz interrupted his concert a few days ago in Rosarito, a town located in the Mexican state of Baja California (northwestern Mexico), to defend a woman from the public who was being abused by a man.

The singer got off the stage to confront the aggressor, who was eventually expelled from the concert by the event’s security team. 

Alejandro Sanz leaves us a great example of confrontation that will undoubtedly serve as a point of awareness.

Alejandro Sanz recriminating the violent attitude of a man towards a woman in the public

The videos that are going around the world

This news is going around the world since last Saturday, February 20, such an event happened. It has become a worldwide trending topic on Twitter and has gone viral among the different social networks. The videos that have transcended this terrible event do not have much quality, but in them we can see that the sequence of the acts was as follows:

Alejandro Sanz is performing on stage his song “Music is not touched . Suddenly, visibly upset, he is heard saying “That is not done, that is not done,” he leaves the microphone and points to the audience, apparently reproaching someone’s attitude and with a very serious and irritated gesture.

The interpreter gets off the stage, dumps his guitar and faces his audience, pointing to the couple who were in the first rows of the concert. Alejandro Sanz talks to his security team and apparently tells them to kick out the abuser.

Once he is back on stage, wait for the aggressor to be evicted from the venue and the song to conclude. Thus, he addresses the audience and says: “Is everything okay? Are you sure? Well, I apologize for the episode from before, because I do not conceive of anyone touching anyone, I don’t care, and less a woman, because there yes … there yes no more ”.

The public could not do it for more and before such an act of bravery and courage was dissolved in applause. The networks, for their part, have provided a lot of praise for this great hero.

Music is not played, women much less

Let’s talk in these terms: abusers believe they have the right to be aggressive and violent towards women simply because they are women. Let us really reflect and point this out in our minds: THE ABUSE BELIEVES HIMSELF SUPERIOR AND, IN ADDITION, HE FEELS WITH THE RIGHT AND THE POWER TO DO WITH WOMEN WHAT HE HAS PLEASED.

This is not the product of chance. From dating announcements and degrading job offers to raising our children as helpless princesses and princes saviors. Everything that surrounds us is tinged with submission, inequality and justification for superiority.

Woman's body marked by gender violence

Gender violence is a problem for society, not just for the victims. There is no basic abuser pattern. Moreover , these behaviors obey a series of automatic thoughts and implicit beliefs that are justified based on the social norms that we “suck” from the earliest childhood.

Regardless of whoever and whatever, violence is never justified. Let’s raise our voices and never allow anyone to be violated. Let’s make fights like ours and Alejandro Sanz’s go around the world.

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