9 Habits That Distinguish A Positive Person

9 habits that distinguish a positive person

Transforming ourselves, if we are not already, into a positive person may seem simple and even simple, but it is often not easy. Choosing a positive way of thinking becomes especially important if we agree with the idea that we are what we think. Thus, if we think positively, if we adopt an optimistic attitude, we will obtain many more advantages than if, on the contrary, we fall into the temptation of pessimism and defeatism.

But why is it so important to think positively? What are the benefits of being optimistic and thinking positive? What’s more, what do you have to do to change the chip and start to see things in a more positive way? Can we really change our way of thinking and become a positive person?

A positive mind is a powerful mind

The truth is that a positive attitude can lead us to reach levels that otherwise would not be possible to climb. In this sense, acquiring a new way of thinking can be what makes the difference between the person we are and the one we aspire to be.

On many occasions we tend to blame others for our own failures and adversities. We think they contributed to our downfalls, but this is not always the case. The next time a project does not progress or you have a problem, do a personal evaluation and a careful examination of the situation. Think that in many cases the mind controls what we do and how we react to people and circumstances.

A positive person can do many that bring him well-being. So what do we get when we choose to think positively rather than fall into the temptation of pessimism? Every individual thought and every decision we make impacts our lives.

Woman with enlightened mind symbolizing humanistic psychology

Change your habits to be a positive person

Optimism is a learned trait. But that does not mean that we cannot re-program our way of thinking: of seeing and looking. Fortunately, research shows, we can teach ourselves to see the world in a more positive and confident way.

To achieve this, one of the keys is to change your habits.  Habits can help us achieve success or they can get in the way and drag us toward failure. Habits, good or bad, are inevitable and are part of our lives. Ultimately, they may have the power to shape our habitat, shaping a large part of who we are.

Establishing good habits is not an easy task, even for the very successful. When it comes to finding ways to make good habits a part of our routine, the struggle is real. Therefore, being proactive and striving to build good habits is a challenge for any of us.

Focusing on being pro-active, rather than re-active, will increase the chances of creating good habits and becoming a positive person. To begin with, it is important to note that it is better to set goals for positive habits, rather than trying to eliminate routines with bad habits.

Habits of positive people

Here are some of the habits you can include in your life to cultivate positive thinking, foster optimism, and become a positive person.

1. : One of the simplest, but most effective, ways to create a more positive outlook is to ask more helpful questions whenever possible. The objective is to try to get something good out of the situation: to turn the circumstance into an opportunity.

2.: Choose carefully who you choose to spend time with and what you do on a day-to-day basis. The people you are with, what you see, what you hear, what you read… In order to maintain a positive attitude it is essential to have influences in your life that support you and lift you up instead of dragging you down.

3 .: when we go too fast the course tends to go wrong. We think fast, we speak fast, we move fast… everything spirals into a stressful and superficial life. Acquiring positive thinking habits requires slowing down.

4.:  don’t make a mountain out of a molehill. It is very easy to lose perspective, especially if you are stressed and going too fast. When you feel negative thinking absorbing you, stop, breathe, and refocus your thoughts.

5  .:  What you give is what you will receive. If you add optimism and positivity to those around you, you will receive the same. The way you treat others and how you think about them also tend to have a big effect on how you treat and think about yourself. It starts with helping, listening and smiling.

6.:  Exercise regularly and eat and sleep well. This will keep your body healthy and your mind clear. You will have energy to control your thoughts and to detect any hint of negativity.

Woman tying a running shoe for a marathon

7 . : criticism is almost inevitable, both what you do and what they do to you. The key lies in learning to handle it in a healthier way, starting with clarifying what is truth / objective in the criticism and what is a personal perception / opinion.

In any case, do not take criticism personally and let it go. After all, a criticism is not a universal truth. And if you can learn something from them, if you can really improve, take advantage of it.

 8.: How you start your morning usually sets the tone for the rest of the day. So be careful how you spend your mornings.

 9.   Positive people smile a lot, always smile. When you smile you are bringing optimism, you are showing good humor, you are showing respect and you are transmitting good vibes. When you smile, you are sending the message to your brain that everything is fine. Everything is easier smiling.

You cannot “have no thoughts” no matter how much they torment you. What you can do is choose others. As they say in the movie The Peaceful Warrior , “life is choosing, you can choose to be a victim or whatever else you set your mind to.”

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