7 Characteristics Of Optimistic People

7 characteristics of optimistic people

Optimistic people generate well-being  for themselves and for those around them. They are adept at seeing the positive side of the coin rather than getting caught up in discomfort. They have chosen optimism as their flag and based on it they focus their life, because although there are some personality traits that favor it, being optimistic has more to do with reflection and practice.

Thus, each one chooses, consciously or unconsciously, a perspective  to look at life. This is highly dependent on personal experiences, along with some personality and relational traits; although it is true that sometimes it derives from habit or lack of reflection. It is always easier to imitate and repeat than to build a personal approach.

To be optimistic, you don’t need life to be a rose garden, to have had a dreamy childhood, or to live a wonderful reality. Rescuing the best  of oneself, of others and of each situation is mainly the result of a choice. The optimist is not an uninformed pessimist, but someone who chose to emphasize the positive.

Faced with life, it is easier to be pessimistic . No one escapes pain or frustrations, and denying helps justify inaction and conformity. Optimistic people, on the other hand, take on the challenge of doing, growing and improving. Here are some of the features that characterize them.

Optimistic people fight for what they want

The mere fact of striving to achieve a goal makes any person  fill with vitality. By contrast, those who have not met their dreams and desires, tend to see life in a dark way. If there is something that makes people optimistic, it is precisely the ability to set goals and fight for them.

woman on a ledge

Also optimistic people are also realistic. This means that no goals are proposed that are beyond the scope of their capabilities  or possibilities. It is not true that anything can be achieved. If the goal is unattainable it only leads to frustration. It is one thing to set lofty goals and quite another to try to achieve impossible goals.

Others see failure, they see learning

Optimistic people don’t call anything “failure.” They know that there are mistakes, mistakes, challenges not overcome and goals not achieved. None of these situations are given the connotation of failure as such. Precisely what makes them optimistic is that ability to look on the positive side of things, the other side of the coin.

There is no great human achievement that has not been preceded by difficulties and mistakes. A great achievement is built on the foundation of errors that are corrected, gaps that are filled and deficiencies that are overcome. In every mistake there is a teaching. And in every teaching there is growth. Optimistic people know that you only fail when you stop trying.

They are honest with themselves

Being honest with yourself means giving up justifications and excuses. An attitude that requires courage, on the one hand, because it implies not hiding, but looking life face to face and, on the other, sincerity with oneself.

Optimistic people are not afraid to admit their mistakes, on the contrary, they are open to admitting them. They avoid blaming others for their mistakes and are confident enough to accept that they are not always right. This attitude strengthens them rather than diminishes them because they know that if they acknowledge their mistakes they are one step away from being better.

They never compare to others

Systematically comparing yourself to others only leads to distorting thinking and poisoning the heart. We are incomparable. There is no way to measure who is better or worse in human terms. An inmate might have a better heart than a manager, but less ability to accomplish his goals. There is no measure for this.

Genuine optimism is born on the basis of understanding this reality. No one is more or less than another, because in human terms any comparison is arbitrary. Those who constantly come to measure themselves against others do so due to a lack of autonomy and independence of judgment. Only each person knows if they are living as they want and as they should. Others may or may not agree, but ultimately this does not count.

Optimistic people are self-motivated

Motivation is to “get moving”, despite obstacles. It is equivalent to pushing yourself to move on, based on a purpose or a goal. Optimistic people know that the strength to stay in the fight comes mainly from themselves. This stems from the fact that they do not do things out of the approval or disapproval of others, but out of conviction.


A person becomes self-motivated when he finds and thrives on reasons for doing what he does. The conviction gives strength to continue. Knowing that the reasons to continue are deeply valid, it is possible to move forward without giving undue importance to difficulties. The optimist is, therefore, convinced of what he does.

They accept others as they are

We treat others in a similar way to how we treat ourselves. When someone accepts himself, it is easy for him to accept others. On the other hand, if you have difficulties to give yourself courage or to feel self-esteem, the usual thing is that you project all this conflict on others. It is then that others become the object of constant criticism.

To be optimistic requires that you have a good concept of yourself. It does not imply being egotistical, but rather having an awareness of one’s worth. This is why optimistic people find it easy to accept and value others. They know that all human beings are participants in the same story and that each one has a place and a meaning within that joint adventure. In addition, they do not forget that solidarity contributes to seeing the present with greater confidence.

They cultivate themselves

No one can be genuinely optimistic if they don’t work on themselves. This means knowing yourself, forgiving yourself for mistakes, and giving your achievements the value they deserve. Each one is his own work. Working for that work and feeling proud to move forward, translates as optimism towards life.

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